My great, great grandpappy used to tell me stories about the "curse of Freeze-Frame radio" when I was just a boy.
He'd sit me on his knee and tell me the story of October 7, 1871. The day Freeze-Frame Radio FIRST took to the airwaves from it's brand new studios in Chicago, Illinois. Back then Jebodiah Riggfield owned the station and was apparantly a cheap man, a real penny pincher. Refusing to pay what he though were outragous prices for wiring he fashioned his own, wrapping it in aluminum foil and duct tape. The very next day sparks from the console began what history now refers to as the Great Chicago Fire. Freeze-Frame Radio to this day is the only business banned from ever basing it's operations in the state of Illinois.
He would go on to tell me how in October of 1941 FFR opened it's fancy new state-of-the-art broadcast studio in Pearl Harbor. The paint had barely dried on those walls before the bombs started flying
I always though great grandpappy was exageratting for effect, but last night I learned the curse of the Freeze is all too real.
JD PM'd me excited to tell me that TV13 was finally airing our audio as a background to their video. I had just checked the station about an hour before that and it was still playing muzak. Safe, sweet, no-harm-will-come-to-anyway muzak.
Once i got his PM I went back to check it out and the station was gone Just a black screen. For the next six hours I continued to check and there was only static.
This morning, the station is still missing in action!
R.I.P. TeeVee 13 We should have warned you of the curse before you accepted our offer to provide the audio for your channel.