ok here. Well tonight I have to tape all 3 of my 9pm shows because I won't be home. I wasn't planning on this but I am going to a card-making/stamping class tonight. My step-daughter called wanting to know if I was going. The lady is a friend of her Mom's. When I go my husband usually helps her babysit. So even though I am really not feeling like doing anything- I am going just because I haven't done this in awhile.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Today's a busy day. I've got a full day of work, and we still have a person out, so it'll be hectic enough. And then the wedding is tonight! I have to run to the drug store to get pantyhose during lunch, then after work I have to go straight home, take a bath, shave my legs, iron the dress, attach the veil to the tiara, get myself ready, meet Miranda at the salon at 8, and then help her prepare for the rest of the wedding. And I'm not even in it! (At this point, I'll be busy enough, so I'm glad this is all I'm doing!)