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Post Info TOPIC: Monday 02.12.2007

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442
Monday 02.12.2007

Well I had one of the most horrible weekends ever financially.

1st, I owe the IRS $1500 this tax year.
2nd, one of the golf courses I work at has done away with the 10% that bartenders get for open bar(s), basically we just get the tips we make.
3nd, Kaisha told me last night she got an apartment w/ 2 other girls from Johnson and Wales, in Providence and she's moving out March 1st.

   what am I going to do?


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Oh Darlene!! 

I had miserable weekend as well!  But not as bad as yours.  My Ross River Fever came back but am slowly getting myself together again.

Anyway, g'morning everyone!


King of the Ring

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Morning Dalrene,

Sorry to hear things arn't good financially, I know how you feel, well kind of, with us moving, I am skint at the moment, but no where near like your situation, I hope things get worked out for you.


Ghost In The Machine

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Sorry you had such a bad weekend Darlene   I hope things somehow manage to get better for you.


The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

Oh I am sorry baby! Nothing like getting hit with everything at once!
My weekend was ok. However my car is making a horrible noise so we took the truck which the 4wd doesn't work and it is snowing. We may have to throw some weight in it due to the upcoming snow storm that they are predicting. Yay.
Carry on....

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Grand Poobah


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if I had money you could just have it....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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YUK, YUK and more YUK......

Things will work out......just don't send the check in untiol April 16th to the IRS (we get the extra day this year!)


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Sorry Darlene, you are a great mother, my folks packed my bags and loaded my refridgerator full of food for me.

Woo, my 4 wheel drive is on the fritz right now too. If we weld the two trucks together you could give me a ride to work!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

lol, talk about a long commute! especially in the snow.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

That's why I was being so nice and letting you come pick me up!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

I am directionally challenged. It would never happen!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

Otay, we tried....

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Doesn't Do Windows

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Howdy Folks,

Sorry to hear your bad news, Darlene.

Its kind of slick this morning from freezing fog/drizzle. School doesn't start until 10:00am. They are talking another possible 3-4" snow this afternoon.

I'm going to stay home again today. Yesterday, I thought I was over this stuff, but last night it came back and started all over again.


Permanent Vacation

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Man, when it rains it pours, huh?  It sounds like a Monday around here.  On my end, I installed the new Office here, so everyone's got questions about that and it won't install on some of the older computers.  On top of that, some sick spammer put pornographic spam on some of our patient's guestbooks.  I think we should bring back medieval torture for spammers.




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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darleneapd wrote:

Well I had one of the most horrible weekends ever financially.

1st, I owe the IRS $1500 this tax year.
2nd, one of the golf courses I work at has done away with the 10% that bartenders get for open bar(s), basically we just get the tips we make.
3nd, Kaisha told me last night she got an apartment w/ 2 other girls from Johnson and Wales, in Providence and she's moving out March 1st.

   what am I going to do?

Oh noooooooo! :(

I bet out of all that the one that hurts the most is Kaisha moving out

Sorry Darlene.  That was a pretty rough weekend.


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

Web, are you sure you didn't get food poisoning? Tapeworm from the popcorn?

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

I don't know for sure . . . maybe its a whole tapeworm family?


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Darlene, that sucks! I'm so sorry to hear so much bad news. I hope that these are merely the challenges that tend to set in just before something remarkable and good happens. Hang in there!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

The Wonder From Down Under

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Posts: 3650

Man...Monday sounds like it sucks today for everyone!  I'm telling's Tuesday here and it aint any better! 

Is anyone having a good day? 


The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

mine wasn't horrible. I am just tired and hoping that the snow storm misses us or is whimpy. I can't afford more time off!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

The Wonder From Down Under

Status: Offline
Posts: 3650

Glad your day isn't too bad then Woo! 

And I do hope that the snow misses you all.  I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to deal with all that cold and snow!  Soooo hot here...just wish I could blow some over to you...


The Chosen Woo

Status: Offline
Posts: 21048

At job #1   -2 of our vans got stuck in the same driveway! It was nothing but ice. The drivers were from different buildings and it happened at different times. Our transportation director might put a nix on going there for awhile! lol

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

The Wonder From Down Under

Status: Offline
Posts: 3650


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