That would be a no. Request For Proposal. We're looking for a new website solution since our current vendor isn't working out and the contract is up at the end of the year. Usually, I just start the hunt looking for people that fit what we need. But, my boss is requiring that I write this formal document to send out to companies to get proposals. I can see how that might work for other projects, but doing this tells me how we ended up with our current vendor and the accompanying outrageous prices. But, I gotta make the boss happy.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! We got 2 inches of snow last night, nothing major, but just enough to make the morning commute slippery. It's cold outside this morning....wind is blowing, making it feel like -12. Hope you all have a good day, or night as the case may be for some of you :)
Got the boy delivered school and I'm at the office.
Yesterday, I came out with the pickup and got the snowblower. This morning, I started the pickup, it ran for about 30 seconds then died. Now it won't start. So, we brought the van but the problem is that the snowblower is home in the back of the pickup and I've got snow to move at the office. I'll try to start it at noon after the sun has some time to warm it up a little.
Work got closed again for me. It is more due to the blowing snow drifts then the amount of snow I think. We have many consumers that live on backroads and would be difficult to go pick them up. I still don't know if I have to go in due to payroll. I didn't get it done and neither did my boss get her's done. But there is no point unless she is going in as well.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Here's a home made valentine for you. I found a half empty Mountain Dew Code Red someone dumped in the snow in front of the house. So I decided to turn someone's trash into another one's art.