I guess they must be because people are still trying to pull it.... we got a fax here at the shop from some lady named Mrs Nazek Audi Hariri claiming to be the wife of a former, now deceased, business associate. She claims that after her husband's tragic death in the Beirut seafront district bombing back a couple years ago, that a bank in Europe notified her that he had 86 Million dollars in a safety deposit box. If we will help her claim it by providing our bank name, address, account number, routing number, beneficiary name, and beneficiary address so that she can have some English diplomat send this money through our bank account as a "trustee" for her and her family. For this we are supposed to receive 20% of the funds.
She further claims that she and her 5 children are hiding out in Damascus-Syria from "World Govt.'s" order to force the Israeli government to leave Lebanon because of the war. She says that to protect the sensitive nature of the transactions and her family, she would like us to not contact her because it is not safe. Instead she would like us to contact this "Mr Roger Scott" where she provides several telephone numbers and a fax number.
This letter is addressed to "President / Managing Director". It implies that we are former business associates of her husband, Mr. Rafik Baha al-din Hariri, who was a "very successful businessman and proficient politician in Lebanon". She offers as evidence of her honesty and integrity a web address for a CNN story detailing her husband's untimely demise in the explosion. She claims that he had this 86 million dollars stashed away to fund his election campaign, and this was all cash donations from his business associates.
First of all, I don't ever recall of hearing of elections in Lebanon. It's not a democracy. Second, I'm quite sure I would remember if I knew a Lebanese politician or businessman by the name of Rafik Baha al-din Hariri. I'd particularly remember if I knew of him well enough for his wife to expect to be able to contact me for such personal data and ask for assistance with financial matters. Finally, haven't there been enough stories out there on the internet and on the news about this very type of scam?
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Its really sad isn't it? But, yes, people are still falling for this stuff. I've read stories about many educated people that you'd think would know better that have fallen victim.
When Kevin brought it to me from the fax machine in the office, I thought he was trying to bring me a serious offer. He handed it to me and said, "We got this business proposal. What do you think of it." I read the first paragraph and said "PUH-LEASE!"
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.