anyone else looking forward to this? This was one of the last big holdout releases for me, I always loved this show and it hasn't aired in reruns in probably ten years.
I am really worried about potential sales of this set, seems like so many people either don't remember or are indifferent to this show :( I would get all nine seasons if they were made available, definately one of the only sitcoms that never dipped in quality in the entire run.
I'm a big collector of TV on DVD. And I grew up with ODAAT playing in reruns mostly. I recall it being on every night after I got home from school.
I enjoyed the show, I ENJOYED watching Valerie Bertanelli, I thought Schroeder was hilarious.
But for some reason I have no interest in owning this one. It feels more like a show that if one day I'm scanning the channels and Lifetime is showing a rerun, that'll be good enough.
Maybe it just comes down to so many shows and not much time, this one doesn't rate high enough that I think I'd watch it.
But I know what you mean about fearing it not getting a full release.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE "Mad About You" and they stopped after 3 seasons, then several years later decided to put out season four this year!
I was hoping to collect all the seasons of LARRY SANDERS but they stopped after season one, same with JUST SHOOT ME.
It stinks when your favorites can't get a full run.
I almost wonder if they wouldn't be better off on these marginal ones just putting together a nice box-set from the start and try cashing in at the holidays on the hard-core fans.