Good day, all! It's in the 40's and very wet here in Kansas. The forecast calls for thunderstorms, possibly including hail and tornados. I could truly be happy without the additional possibilities.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It's Sunday here and I just got back from dinner at the Albatross Hotel followed by a trip to the Bowlies for a night out with the girls!! Been out having some fun!
Having a game of golf again later...I think I play just so I can drive the golf buggies around! I'm a maniac driving one!!!
Good morning all, good afternoon Pip, good Sunday Jules!
I did my usual Saturday chores yesterday, so I don't know what I'm going to do today. Probably just take it easy and have a lazy weekend. I can think of a little shopping I need to do for shampoo and stuff and stop by the craft store, so I might do that. Maybe I'll stop by the art store and get me a new brush, all mine are becoming frizzy.
Hey, Mz! Yep... I'm here at the shop. My family is doing okay. The kids are keeping busy and Kevin is actually being quite nice to me these days.
Pambo is a slightly different story. She went back to the Dr. on Thursday. He extended her short term disability for another month. He actually wanted to extend it for 3 months but she didn't want to hear that. I stopped over to talk with her that evening because she was pretty upset about the whole deal. She has yet to really hear back from the Dr. at KU Med Center who seems to think this is viral in nature. Hopefully she will hear something soon.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
hello all! I'm not sure what kind of day I have in store for me. My husband just left to go work on the car at his friend's house. I my have to retrieve him later with the truck if they can't fix it in a day. I will not be happy about that. He lives in BFE and it may be a challenge for me to find him. However this beats following him over and wasting my day sitting around there. Hopefully this snow storm will hold off and I will not have to deal with that on top of it. I need to make some cards today. My husband and my mother's b-days are coming up. I should do some cleaning but I don't know if I will. Have a great day all!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Good day. State Wrestling finals today. The wife volunteered us for concession stand duty for 4 1/2 hours. Most of my afternoon is shot doing that. When we get home I'm building a fire and opening a bottle of Merlot and chilling out for the rest of the evening.