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Post Info TOPIC: 8 year old weighs almost 200 pounds!

The Good Witch Of The South


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8 year old weighs almost 200 pounds!

There is NO excuse in my book. If it is not genetic, then buck up mom- cook healthy and quit buying processed food!

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- The mother of a 196-pound eight-year-old boy, who could be taken into care because of his weight, has defended her refusal to stop feeding him junk food.

Single mum Nicola McKeown says her son Connor McCreaddie refuses to eat healthy foods, such as fruit and vegetables.

"He likes processed foods and if I try him with any salad, vegetables, fruit, he just refuses to eat it or spits it out," she told BBC Radio on Monday.

"When a child won't eat anything else, you've got to feed them what they like."

The 35-year-old mum -- who has sought help to try to reduce Connor's weight -- rejected a suggestion that she put a lock on the fridge.

"I wouldn't go that far," she said. "That's not the way to do it, starving your child."

However, Connor has lost one-and-a-half stone following advice from health workers and a dietician at the start of the year.

The family, from Wallsend, Newcastle, face a child protection conference with North Tyneside Council on Tuesday.

The last resort would be for social workers to put him into care, but McKeown is confident she can help her son lose weight.

Former British Olympic runner Roger Black said Connor's case was "very extreme" -- but that it highlighted the need for exercise to be pushed higher up the school agenda.

"What's interesting for me, and everything I've read over the weekend about this issue, it's always been about diet; it's about what he (Connor) eats. There's no mention of exercise," he told the BBC.

"Many, many children in this country are growing up doing very, very little exercise and if you create a culture of young children not used to doing exercise on a daily basis then these problems do happen."

Black has recently spent a term in an inner London comprehensive school to try to encourage 12-year-olds to become more active as part of the run-up to the 2012 Olympics.

"The project I've just been involved with is not about creating Olympic medallists for 2012, it's about encouraging young people to do more exercise in school time," he added.

"It absolutely should be compulsory that children do more exercise than our children are doing now, because it is staggering that some children in this country are doing less than an hour's exercise a week in school."


The Chosen Woo

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my goodness! I do know of the difficulties of feeding appropriate food. My husband's ex-wife's 5 yr old refuses to eat most foods. They have tried to get her to eat what they are having or go to bed hungry but she began to lose too much weight. When she asked the doctor for help, he just stated that she would grow out of it. But I would hope by the age of 8 that she would have a handle on it!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Permanent Vacation

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I'm guessing that's not the only way that kid's spoiled.




The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309

Pure ignorance!

Prince Charles Blames Obesity on Big Macs

Prince Charles & CamillaBritish royal Prince Charles has called for the closure of McDonalds fast food outlets worldwide in a bid to curb rising obesity levels. The prince targeted the chain as he attended the launch of a public health awareness campaign to fight diabetes in the United Arab Emirates.

Speaking to nutritionist Nadine Tayara at the Imperial College London Diabetes Centre in Abu Dhabi, Charles said, "Have you got anywhere with McDonald's, have you tried getting it banned? That's the key."

The prince has made no secret of his organic preferences in the past. In 1986 he set up a farm on his Highgrove Estate in Gloucestershire, England outlawing the use of artificial pesticides or fertilizers.


Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Here is Mum & Tiny!


Permanent Vacation

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They've got a trampoline?




Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Guess they haven't shown him how to use it


Grand Poobah


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oh boy somebody's mummy wants to be on tv a bit too much.....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Posts: 5952

The kid's afternoon SNACK!


Chocolate Pip Cookie

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MzHartz wrote:

They've got a trampoline?

He goes on the trampoline but only for brief periods as he gets short of breath.
The mother claims to be depressed partly cos of his incessant demands for food since babyhood.
They were on a documentary the other night and I thought it was quite sad.
The boys grandma (who is skinny) gets him up for school while mother lies in bed. the gran has to help him wash (cos he can not manage to wash his privates). Sometimes he needs help dressing too.
The first sight we had of mother was her head still partially covered by the duvet...with a lit cigarette in her mouth...(yukky it was)
I think she did want help but the day after the documentary there was to be a big meeting with social services and there was talk of taking the boy into care!
Anyway they decided to let him stay with his mum. hopefully they will put some sort of improved support system in for them all and he will lose more weight. He was over 15 stone but lost about a stone prior to the program.


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

He needs Richard Simmons.




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