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Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Our City arrested Bobby Brown kidding

Read on, from the local paper......

Bobby Brown busted at AHS


ATTLEBORO - Acting on a tip, a private constable arrested singer Bobby Brown Sunday night as he showed up at Attleboro High School for his daughter's cheerleading competition.

Appearing Monday in Norfolk County Probate and Family Court in Canton, Brown was ordered to remain in a Norfolk County jail in Dedham until he paid $19,000 in late child support and court fees.

"We're diligently working on getting those funds available from outside sources," Phaedra Parks, an attorney in Atlanta where Brown lives, said Monday. Parks doubted Brown would get out of jail before this morning.

Brown currently owes child support payments from January, plus late penalties, attorney fees and constable fees, Parks said.

Parks said the rhythm and blues singer has been struggling to meet monthly payments to Kim Ward, of Stoughton, the mother of his two teenage children.

"Although this agreement was put in place when he was Bobby Brown the star, this agreement is being enforced when he is not always able to find work," Parks said. "He hasn't made an album in quite some years."

The flamboyant Brown, whose wife, singer Whitney Houston, recently filed for divorce, was arrested Sunday night on a warrant for failing to appear at a child support hearing in October.

Brown was arrested by a constable working for All State Constables of Weymouth. Attleboro police were not involved in the arrest and it did not disrupt the cheerleading meet.

Adam Loomis of All State Constables said Brown was cooperative outside the high school, and borrowed Loomis' cell phone to arrange to get out of jail.

In October, Brown paid $11,000 in delinquent child support after being threatened with arrest if he stepped back into Massachusetts. He owed more than two months' worth of payments to Ward. It wasn't immediately known if Brown still owes child support.

Brown, a Boston native best known for a solo hit "Don't Be Cruel," has a history of legal troubles. In June 2004, he was sentenced to 90 days in prison for missing three months of payments. That sentence was immediately suspended after Brown paid about $15,000.

The Attleboro arrest was the second time in a year that Brown was arrested while going to his daughter's cheerleading meets.

Last March, Brown was nabbed for minor motor vehicle violations dating back 14 years when he arrived to watch his daughter at a cheering competition at Bartlett High School. Brown was cooperative and was allowed to drive to the police station after the competition, police said.

He and pop diva Houston are divorcing after a 14-year marriage.


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Does it seem wrong to nab him from seeing his daughter for child support issues?




Low in Fiber High in M-SG

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Old mug shots of Bobby....what a nice guy!

Did I ever tell you he was on a crusie I took with my family (Disney Cruise Line) a few years back, whith Whitney and daughter.  Guess where he hung out when we were on the Private Island...thats right the bar!


The Good Witch Of The South


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I see your point MZ, but take it from someone who has been there. The police do not go looking for deadbeat dads, they arrest them if they get caught doing something else wrong. But if you can call and guarantee that someone will be somewhere, the police will usually attempt to get them.


The Good Witch Of The South


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This man has some incredible LUCK!

CANTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- Bobby Brown was freed after spending three nights in the Norfolk County jail when a radio station paid the $19,150 the singer owed in late child support and court fees, the station said Thursday.

Hot 99.5 FM, which broadcasts in the Washington D.C. area, intervened following on-air discussions and two days of negotiation with Brown's attorney, the host of the station's "The Kane Show," told The Associated Press.

"In exchange for the money, he agreed to be an employee of our radio station for one week," where he will discuss what he did wrong and how he could turn his life around, said host Kane, who goes by one name.

"We are going to have a very open and candid conversation."

A judge had ordered Brown held in the county jail in Dedham until he paid up, after constables arrested the singer while he was watching his daughter's cheerleading competition at Attleboro High School.

Brown will travel to Washington D.C. and be on the air with Kane for the morning show beginning Monday. He also will make public appearances for the radio station.

Phaedra Parks, Brown's attorney in Atlanta where the singer lives, did not immediately return a phone call from The AP.

Parks had earlier said the singer has been struggling to meet monthly payments to Kim Ward, the mother of his two teenage children.

Brown and pop diva Whitney Houston are divorcing after 14 years.

"Although this [child support] agreement was put in place when he was Bobby Brown the star, this agreement is being enforced when he is not always able to find work," Parks said earlier this week. "He hasn't made an album in quite some years."

Brown, a Boston native best known for a solo hit "Don't Be Cruel," has a history of legal troubles. In June 2004, he was sentenced to 90 days in prison for missing three months of payments. That sentence was immediately suspended after Brown paid about $15,000.

Last March, Brown was nabbed for minor motor vehicle violations dating back 14 years when he arrived to watch his daughter at a cheering competition at Bartlett High School. Brown was cooperative and allowed to drive to the police station after the competition, police said.

In October, Brown paid $11,000 in delinquent child support after being threatened with arrest if he came back to Massachusetts.

He owed more than two months' worth of payments to Ward.


Waiting To Be Widowed

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Posts: 2984

Okay.  2 things...

1) I wish I could make $20,000 for 1 week of work.

2) I wish I could get $20,000 for 2 months of child support.


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

That's why I'm not feeling too sorry for the mom. Do the kids really need $20,000? He seems to be an easy target, the cops should be spending time on the deadbeat dads where the kids are relying on that money for blue light special school clothes.




Waiting To Be Widowed

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Or more importantly, the kids who can't even afford the blue light specials.  I got a lot of my clothes at the Salvation Army because of my deadbeat dad.  We could have gotten a few food, lights, etc...had he not gotten over $20,000 in arears.  Funny thing.  My youngest brother is 37 and my father STILL owes my mom over $5,000 in back child support. 


Permanent Vacation

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I got lucky, my dad always paid his child support, sometimes early even. Granted, for the same reason Bobby Brown still has to pay $20,000, my dad didn't have to pay much because he didn't have much of a job when my parents divorced. Even though we were eating TV dinners, at least we were eating TV dinners.

And I still shop at Goodwill.




Waiting To Be Widowed

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Me, too.  My kids do, too.  We can afford the name brand stuff...but I've taught them that name brands aren't important.  It's just not WORTH the amount of money they charge for that stuff.  Not to mention the costs of the sweatshops & child labor they use to make alll of it.

My daughter curses me because she's such a cheapskate. 


The Good Witch Of The South


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We were talking about my hubby at work yesterday and I said that he NEVER looks at prices- on anything- food, clothes, appliances (he bought a 70 dollar trash can last month :( ) My boss said neither do we- meaning women, when we shop for clothes. I told him that I bought Emily 6 outfits last week for under $55, and he mumbled that his wife spent $600 the week before! Maybe she does not look, but I have never spent that much...and if I did, I could have my whole family an entire new wardrobe!

Bargain hunters unite!


Waiting To Be Widowed

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Posts: 2984

Amen, sister!


The Good Witch Of The South


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Bobby Brown may have settled his dispute with the family courts, but he has entered into a new dispute with Washington radio station Hot 99.5 FM.

As previously reported, Brown was jailed last week over $19,150 he owed the mother of his two teenage children in back child support payments. He was told he would not be allowed out of jail until his debts were settled. With Brown not as wealthy as he once was, getting together twenty grand wasn't so easy, which is why his legal people accepted a deal with Hot 99.5FM in which they paid the debts in return for a commitment by Brown to appear on various programmes on the station this week. But Brown has now backed out of those commitments.

Things came to a head on Friday morning during a phone interview with Brown on the station's The Kane Show. Presenter Kane said that under their agreement Brown was an employee of the station for the week. Brown responded that that wasn't his understanding of the deal, and when pushed by Kane on the matter he put the phone down.

Further negotiations took place over the weekend, and both the station and Brown's people announced yesterday that the deal was off and the singer would pay the station back the money it had advanced to pay off the child support debts. Confirming that arrangement, Kane told reporters yesterday: "We thought we clearly communicated to Bobby our intentions but once we had him on the air it was clear that we were not on the same page. We feel that there are better things we can do with the money locally".

How quickly Brown plans to pay the radio station back isn't clear though they can't put him in jail if he fails to pay, so the incentive to cough up quickly may not be great


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

Anyone else see this coming?




The Good Witch Of The South


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