We might have discussed this before, but if we did it was awhile ago and I think things have moved even further in the direction of electronic media so it's something I'd be curious about.
Do you buy a daily paper? Or do you get your news online?
I have found that I have ZERO interest in picking up a newspaper other than Sundays for the classifieds, the store ads and the coupons.
As time goes on the coupons are losing their draw for me, and most of the stores I shop at have online flyers that are the exact duplicate of the printed flyer, so Sunday papers are even becoming less and less frequent around my house.
I remember my Dad and I used to argue over which paper was better (back when we actually had two papers in town), the morning or the evening.
I prefered the morning, he prefered the evening. He always said he felt like the morning paper was old news from the day before. I thought he was nuts.
But now I totally feel that way about the newspaper in general. I check MSNBC.com every 30 minutes or so online now. I get ALL my news from there and if a story is breaking I'll turn on the TV to watch one of the news channels.
The newspaper seems worthless at this point.
Now, I'm 39. I would venture to guess that my 24 year old sister will never have a newspaper subscription in her life. It really seems to me that the 20 somethings and younger will be the actual death of the printed paper.
(Hope I'm not asking for too much from you all on a Monday )
I watched a show about this on PBS last week. Apparently the majority of news sources come from the papers. But I don't read the paper, and never really have. I get some of my news online, but mostly I watch the Newshour With Jim Lehrer on PBS.
I saw part 3 of a 4 part series on Frontline this weekend, which is what got me thinking about this.
The episode I saw was more about the demise of the network nightly newscast, and how TV News had become more about entertainment than actual reporting, but it made me think about the Newspapers and how outdated the entire concept is starting to feel.
I mean really, when you think about the idea of an army of people going door to door to deliver a paper full of what is by todays standards TRULY "old news".
I have to believe my sisters children (when she has some) will think of the newspaper delivery like I think of the milkman. I know it existed. Most of the houses in my neighborhood still have the old milk chutes built into them (although the exterior is almost always sided over now), but it seems so antiquated I can't imagine it actually used to be done that way.
We get the paper daily. My husband has to have Friday's paper for the tv guide and I have to have Sunday's paper for coupons. Our newspaper does not offer a package to get Friday, Sat and Sunday, and sometimes we would forget or be too lazy to go get a paper so we do the daily delivery. It's only 13.25 a month and I know that my coupons make me at least break even, most months I come out ahead.
But there is a lot of truth in what you said. I do not read the paper everyday and most of the stuff I found online. But for local events and school related stuff, I do read the local section everyday. I could not function without it- it is what I use to plan our weekend activities.