Found these on a webpage for music lists - good stuff!
10. I Was Made To Love Her - Stevie Wonder
A song about a love affair that could never happen, " poppa disapproved it, my momma boo-hoo-ed it, but I told them time and time again that I was made to love her...." I think that these are the sexiest types of songs, love that can never happen. You realize that either you have to take a chance and follow your heart, or sit back and dream for the rest of your life.
9. You Can Leave Your Hat On - Joe ****er
Used in the movie Nine and Half Weeks, one that I do not recommend renting, as it is, shall we say...of loose morals. In the movie Kim Basinger begins to "dance" for Micky Rourke as this song is being played in the background. As a direct result, I have always found this song to be incredibly sexy.
8. Bring It On Home To Me - Sam Cooke
"If you ever change your mind about leaving me behind, bring it to me, bring your sweet loving, bring it on home to me..." Much like the parable of the prodigal son, ( Luke 13:11-32 ), Sam Cooke is basically saying, that if his girl wants to come back to him, he will forgive her and rejoice at her return. She is everything to him, even though she "stays out late at night" he forgives her because his love for her is that strong.
7. I've Been Loving You Too Long - Otis Redding
If I ever make a movie, I am putting this song in it. Although his woman is "tired and wants to be free", there is no way Otis is going to give up on her. I mean come on, with her in his life, "it has been so wonderful."
6. Do Right Woman - Do Right Man - Aretha Franklin
"Take me to heart and I'll always love you...." A classic song about a woman singing to her man. Aretha is basically saying, "Hey sucka, if you want you want me to do everything for you, here's what you gotta do for me." Then Aretha drops it on her man, "....if you want a do right, all day gotta be a do right, all night man." Thanks for the pointer Aretha.
5. Try A Little Tenderness - Otis Redding
"She may be weary...wearing that same old shaggy dress, but when she gets weary, try a little tenderness." This song is so good. Otis starts off slow so that all the guys can listen to what he's saying. Realizing that the majority of the male population would need more, Otis gets extremely specific once the song picks up, "....squeeze her, don't tease her, never leave gotta know how to love her man..."
4. I've Found A Love - Wilson Pickett
I was first introduced to this song when I saw the movie Road House, not exactly the most wholesome movie in the world, but the people out there who have seen it will probably agree with me that this song was used in an extremely sexy way. Kelly Lynch comes over to Patrick Swayze's house and the two of them get to talking about stuff, then they stand up, Patrick turns on his radio and this song begins to play. The couple begins to slow dance, and then you can imagine what happens next. "He fixes the cable?"
3. Slip Away - Clarence Carter
"What would I give for just a few moments? What I give just to have you near?" It's kind of wiggy how some of the sexiest songs are about the worst stuff. Slip Away, as you may be able to guess is about a man begging this woman away with him. Now she is either married or has a boyfriend, in either case this song is about a love that can never happen, or a least is not suppose to happen.
2. Let's Get It On - Marvin Gaye
This song has been used a ton is both movies and T.V. commercials. I think that this song achieved its all time sexiness in a certain Levis commercial. You know which one I'm talking about, the one where the people are invisible and all you see are their clothes, this song begins to play and the "people" begin to undress. Even though you can't see the people naked--unless you have a good imagination--it's still extremely sexy.
1. Dark End Of The Street - Percy Sledge
"At the dark end of the street, that's where we always meet, hiding in shadows where we don't belong, living in darkness to hide our wrong..." Man, I have to stop listening to all these songs about This is the sexiest song I know, I always imagine slow dancing to it with a girl (Thanks Jenny)--the only difference being that she is not someone else's wife or girlfriend.
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"