I'm surprised no Tuesday thread has been started yet.
I didn't get a whole lot done yesterday, I didn't feel so well. I'm feeling better today, but I still have a headache, but I still need to get some laundry done and drop off a couple resumes.
Wednesday here now and I don't have to work until 6pm so I have a nice day of relaxation ahead and am going to wander down to the beach with my sketchbook later in the morning and just laze away the day drawing!!
i was afraid to start a thread. I figured we would do it at the same time! Well I still have a lot of work to do here. They are talking about 3-5 inches of snow coming tonight. I hope they are wrong. I don't want to be closed again! Oh and did I mention that my household is job 2 free!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
It was 50 degrees this past Saturday, and today it's -2 degrees... what the Hell?? Can we get some consistancy here w/ the weather... it's no wonder everyone is walking around with a head cold (including me)
Morning all- the boy did not wake me up and I overslept- I am not sure if he thought he would get to miss school! Only 1 hour and fifteen minutes late!
I am doing the transcript evaluators job today- she had surgery and I am out of stuff to do!