I mentioned a while ago that we would be reviewing our playlist and making some changes in an attempt to draw and more importantly KEEP more listeners.
These changes are not being made without serious consideration, and I understand that any change we make will disappoint some people. I hope that you all understand we are just doing what we feel is in the best interest of the station in the long haul. If we're going to survive we've got to continue to grow and at some point determine a way to create revenue.
So, the first decision is that we are eliminated most of the Country music from the playlist.
In going over past emails, comments & complaints, the number one turnoff mentioned to me has been the inclusion of Country music, particularly classic country music.
Many people view it as just as extreme of a sound as Rap (in another direction obviously) and do not want to hear it at all.
This has personally always confused me, as I love Country music. But there is no doubt in my mind this is a decision 90% of our listeners will agree with.
I would like to point out that this DOES NOT MEAN THE END of country music on FFR.
We will continue to include country hits that have a pop music sound to them as much of the country music from the past few years does.
In addition, ALL of our contry music is available for the DJ's to play by request when they are in the studio.
In the very new future I will be setting up our file system so we can have the full country library available by request when we want to.
So a "country day" would be possible, or we could include country in the weekend request list but not during the week.
The key audience we are trying to satisfy is the 9 - 5 at work group, that will be our main objective as we make this and future changes.