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Post Info TOPIC: What's your type?

Permanent Vacation

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What's your type?

Ruby asked this in another thread, but I thought it was worthy of it's own.

I won't discount any guy, but I definately have a type. I like tall, lean guys that are a bit unconventional. They usually have long blond hair and blue eyes, or longish curly brown hair and puppy dog brown eyes.  They're usually artists in some form, are independent, and like independent women.

-- Edited by MzHartz at 15:03, 2007-03-15




Permanent Vacation

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And this isn't just for girls, guys what kind of girl is your "type"?




Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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I don’t know that I have a specific type – I’m kind of all over the board. In terms of physique, I do have a tendency to be attracted to one of two looks:

- The Italian: tall, olive skin, dark hair, smoldering brown eyes, maybe a tattoo, and a “construction worker’s” build {{snicker}}

- The Anglo: clean-cut, pale skin, lean, kissable lips, and oh my - those blue eyes! Haha!
 What’s really the biggest draw is who they are though – I like clever men with a natural kindness/thoughtfulness about them.

-- Edited by garougal at 15:16, 2007-03-15

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"


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I personally enjoy the san-serif but, find the serif typeface most useful.


All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

The Wonder From Down Under

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squonk wrote:

I personally enjoy the san-serif but, find the serif typeface most useful.



The Good Witch Of The South


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Cute Squonk!

I used to like long hair- any color- but now I am ok either way.

I like tall men, but yet I have never had a serious relationship with one.

Eye color does not mean much to me.

I try now to look deeper- driver's license? relationship with mom? job? Christian? what can you do for Ruby????


Doesn't Do Windows

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O Positive.


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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I like my man to be tall, and not thin and bones, but with a build. A little around the middle is okay, (key word a LITTLE)

Eye color doesn't matter, but eye contact does, he must be able to talk to me and look me into the eyes.... I like a guy with nice teeth, and one who makes sure they take care of their teeth, by going to the dentist regularly.

I should be more selective with the qualities, like Ruby, I don't want a mama's boy, and I seem to have one now, and I don't want a guy who likes to party all the time. (So Eddie Murphy would be out) ahem, his song.... LOL

I like white men, but ethnically speaking, it's not that important, I just have never been interested in dating a guy outside of my race... but I guess if the right one came along I'd certainly would be open to the idea....


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

The Wonder From Down Under

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My ex cured me of men for a while!!  I'm hiding from the masses the population stats are 75% male to 25% women!  But I don't have preference but as long as they are kind hearted, look after their appearance, have a terrific cheeky sense of humour, intelligent and are respectful of women they are good in my books!!  And someone who'll put up with my spontaneous adventurous way of life! 


Permanent Vacation

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Keep in mind, what I listed is not what I actively look for in a guy. But most the time, when I'm attracted to a guy, he ends up fitting one of those 2 descriptions. He's also gotta be intelligent and open minded, but again, that's something I consciously look for, not just what happens to be.




The Chosen Woo

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I'm not sure I have a type. I tend to be more with dark haired guys but I have liked blonds too. I have been massively in love with puppy dog brown eyes but go equally as crazy for a pair of blue eyes. I don't like overly tall guys but I am only 5'3. I'm not really into a lot of muscle. Fit is good but I don't like the body builder type. My husband has dark hair almost black and light blue eyes. He is on the short side but taller than me and has a stocky build. His build was kinda out of the norm for me.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

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 John Corbett, that's my type.  Good sense of humor is very important.   Easy-going, nice smile and eyes.  Actually anyone who thinks I'm great is my type.   No skinny guys, like some potatoes with my meat, lol. 


Permanent Vacation

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I agree with you Woo, I'm not into the body builder type either. I prefer guys with lean muscle.




Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Ghost In The Machine

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I'd have to say I'm drawn to the "dangerous look" which is really hard to describe yet I innately know it when I see it.  Some of you women must know what I'm talking about........the type of guy that makes you think whoa, he could be trouble, but all the right kind of trouble.  He comes in all sizes, hair and eye colors, and it doesn't matter if he's wearing jeans/t-shirt, a business suit, or dressed to the nines in a know he's "dangerous" as soon as you see him. 

But the biggest draw for me is personality.........what's on the inside is far more important to me than the package it comes in. 


The Chosen Woo

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i've had my share of bad boys. But it was more that I was going into it knowing that he was such a player but I was insanely attracted to him. I was in that phase for awhile.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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 Ghost? Like this?

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Ghost In The Machine

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Haha, very funny Sparky!!!!  Not THAT kind of trouble


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Permanent Vacation

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I agree Ghost, I tend to like the mischievous type as well...




Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Seems like overall, the girls have a higher standard than we lesser species!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

The Good Witch Of The South


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Ally must be breathing huh? Wonder how that will go over!


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Oh yeah, I like the short, military, cleancut hair on men..... Long hair to me was so "high school"....LOL


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

The Good Witch Of The South


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About long hair... NOT that my dad is right, but he always hated long haired guys and felt they were all losers. That probably made me want them more! But as I get older, I see that this is usually true. And if they have long hair and a good job it is usually self employed.


Permanent Vacation

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Guys with long hair do tend to be non-conformists and unconventional (which is probably why I like them), but I wouldn't call them losers.

-- Edited by MzHartz at 13:47, 2007-03-16




Smiles everyone, smiles!

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long hair makes me want to braid it if it's loose...

a dad to one of the boy's on the team has really really long, shiny, blue-black hair (he's native american) and when he wear's it loose i just want to sit behind him and brush it and braid it....

then i imagine his wife kicking my butt!  

i like long hair if it's maintained...  not into dreadlocks!

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

The Good Witch Of The South


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That is why I said not all the time MZ. My dad overgeneralized- I try not to!


Permanent Vacation

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I agree, dreadlocks are gross.




Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Dreads are gross, unless of course you are Manny Ramirez


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Doesn't Do Windows

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Ok, I guess I'll answer for real.

My favorite female personality is fun, but not extremely loud and boisterous. A little flirty with me would be a bonus. She doesn't need to be a rocket scientist, but must have a good amount of "common sense" and be able to make reasonable, somewhat logical decisons. She would also need to share my religious beliefs.

I couldn't see myself with a smoker . . . kissing something that smells like an ashtray would be a major turn off for me. I wouldn't care if she had a drink now and then (my wife does) but I don't think I could be with a gal that had to be drinking to have a good time, or has to have a drink to be able to unwind.

As far as physically I agree with Sparky . . . breathing is good. A slight hint of a nice smell is good too. I like a "cute" look the most. I also prefer the look of a "full figure" or "curvy" gal. There's a limit on attraction of "full" but it also depends on the lady and how/where any extra weight is carried. The "hourglass" shape is ideal. I find "too skinny" to be as unattractive as "too heavy". I think I have a slight preference for darker hair but long and curly is the best.


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