Second dream actually isn't that interesting, so rather than say it on air I'll just put it here and see what MzHartz thinks.
I've got my dog with me, and we're going to visit my grandmother.
I get to her apartment building and think she lives on the top (sixth) floor. (in reality no grandparent of mine has ever lived in an apartment).
We go into the building and go to the top floor, using the stairs. The people in the bulding weere amazingly friendly, so much so it almost made me nervous. People were offering me food and drinks, etc.
When I got to the top floor there were four apartments. I couldn't recall which one my grandmother lived in, but I knocked on the door of the one which I thought was hers.
A guy came out and said I was in the wrong building, there were two buildings next to each other that looked identical, but the one I was in was for businesses, the other was residential.
He was extremely nice, but a person from inside yelled at him "Hey, we're trying ot have a meeting in here can you close the door!" I remember seeing in the room and thinking it was a very small, crappy office.
So, I go next door and find there are two staircases. One of them I can't use because the first step is about six feet tall! So I take the second set. When I get to the first landing on the second floor the ceiling is really low, like it hasn't gone up high enough to keep up with the stairs, and at the top I actually have to get on my hands and knees and crawl about six feet to finish getting to the landing.
On my way up the second flight of steps I see a guy coming down the first set of stairs, he's friendly too and we talk for a minute, I tell him how goofy the stairs are. He says he hadn't noticed and when I'm heading up the stairs again I see he's gotten to the bottom and is looking at that first step, like he's just realized how high it is.
I get to the sixth floor, and again, everyone is out in the hall offering food, drinks, etc. People want to dance, we're singing along to some songs. I forget all about going to see my grandmother.
Hm, this one is a bit harder. I'm guessing your dog is there for support of some kind, emotional support, so you're not alone, etc.
Your grandma could be literal or symbolic. Is there someone you avoid because of their environment? Possibly because it's too inconvenient (too far away, house is hard to find, etc.). And/or, because there is someone else around them (roommate, neighbor, spouse, child, etc.) that you don't like, but you can't exactly pinpoint why you don't like that person.
I think the stairs are a pretty typical dream analogy. You've got a path (could be dozens of things) that you could get the hard part done and over with, or you could take the easy route with the possibility that it could get hard later. And, there's probably someone else doing the same type of thing that you know they'll encounter a challenge, but they don't know it yet.
Yeah, it's one of those types of things that pops up in dreams all the time and could fit into any situation in life right now. It's the Miss Cleo thing, "I see a challenge in your future..." Well duh, everyone has some sort of challenge in their future.