I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and woke up early. Sami (my other cat, I'll change my avatar to her) has been getting sick for the past day. It got worse when we went to bed last night. So I kept getting up periodically to check on her. I just called the vet, and we've got an appointment at 11, so for now I'm just killing time before we go. I'm worried about her.
We are about out of here- teeball at 10 and dance pictures at 11. Then stopping by the consignment shop for some $ and then back to put the room's together. Might go out in the new boat for a bit, if I can get some stuff done. We took it out for a bit last night and saw five dolphin
I am praying your cat will be ok MZ. hopefully nothing serious. keep us posted.
On a lighter note. I LOVE dolphins to. i have statues and candles and even a dolphin clock that my mother found. my favoirte tho is a pink frosted shot glass from Florida that has a dolphin on it.
I have to work today so everyone enjoy. the rain has moved on and its going to be in the upper 60s with sunshine and a most gorgeous week