good morning, y'all. the tulsa metro had a beautiful orange sunrise this morning; looking forward to 86 -- no rain. SHE BOSS is back today. YAY! i can begin to catch up on things i've had to put aside while she was gone.
gosh, mz... i hope sami gets well.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I am an hour and half late. I could NOT get out of bed- too tired. The kids are spring break this week. The boy is spending the week with his friend at his dad's job- landscaping a local golf course. He should be zonked by week's end!
I spent over 6 hours on E's room. I love it so far and so does she. I will take some pictures when we are done. The boy's room is done except that I need to prder his curtain today and the other girl's room is all done except her walls are bare.
I'm back from the vet, but Sami isn't. They're going to keep her there and give her IVs to get her fluid level back up. They still don't know what the problem is, but it looks like she needs to poop (and she hasn't had anything to eat for at least 2 days), so they're focusing on that. It doesn't look like she has anything obstructing her digestive tract from the x-ray, but they're going to take a few more xrays over the course of the day to keep an eye on it.
Jack and I are up from our naps. The Dr. called. She said Sami's looking perkier now that she's had some fluids, and hasn't thrown up yet, even though they had her drink some barium. The xrays are showing that she does have some sort of blockage, but she can't actually see any sort of item lodged in there. In a couple hours, she's going to take another xray to see if anything's moved.
The vet called back. There's something lodged in Sami's intestine that's not letting anything through. Either she swallowed something like plastic (which for Sami, isn't likely), or her intestine has folded up on itself. Either way, she has to have surgery, where the vet will go in, find out what's wrong, and either remove the obstruction or cut out that piece of intestine and sew it back together.
It's going to hurt our wallet, but at this point, I want my Sami back!
I just heard back from the vet again. Sami just came out of surgery okay. There was some dried fecal matter that was stopping her up and not letting anything through. But they cleaned that out and couldn't find anything else. But they still want to monitor her for a few hours. So if all goes well, we may be able to bring her back home tonight.
Sami's home! And totally pissed off! That's a good thing, she's getting her attitude back. She also can't decide whether she wants to be upstairs or downstairs, but has determined that she wants no help. Instead she sat on the 3rd step for an hour. I finally got her to step on a crate and I carried her upstairs. 20 minutes later, she's decided she wants downstairs and is refusing the crate ride. Stubborn little thing, but I'm glad to have her home.