As I mentioned yesterday, I upgraded my QuickBooks.
Today, I'm doing some invoiceing and notice a difference in the way one option is working. I looked all over and can't find any place to change that option to make it like it was in the old version.
With the upgrade, I get 30 days free phone (call back) support so I submited a call back request.
I submit the request and to my surprise the phone rings only a few minutes later. It was my friendly tech support fellow from India who I could barely understand. Asking him to repeat many words seems to help me hear what he's saying.
I will say, he was very nice and professional.
After explaining the issue, he started looking for a solution. He tried a few different things on his end and he couldn't make it work either. While he was working on it, I was doing the same on my end.
After a bit, I figured out what it was doing. I told him I found the solution and didn't need any more help. He asked me what the solution was. I explained it to him, he worked at it a bit, said "ah ha" and then explained back to me the solution. After we got done, he asked "Have I answered your question sufficiently?" I said "Not really, I figured it out, did I explain the solution to you sufficiently?"
I'm not making an issue over the fact that he didn't know the solution, it was just the "Have I solved your problem?" thing at the end that made me go: