You're close Jules, but we've got multiple timezones and daylight savings, it mixes things up. In the eastern time zone that I'm in, we've got an hour yet.
So it's project weekend. We are going to try and finish painting the bathroom. It got started last night. It is a small bathroom so shouldn't take too long. However the repairs to it is taking longer. They really didn't know what they were doing in this house! We also need to get the computer moved into the living room. We are getting digital phone service on Tuesday and that needs to be where we want it. I have cleared most of the desk out but am protesting unhooking everything until we are ready! lol! He thought I could go without the internet for a weekend. Oh that's funny! So when I received Web's gift, it gave me even more reason to not be able to disconnect!! "I gotta get on the computer and thank Web!" He doesn't even have the extra cable and phone line run yet! We have hockey playoff games to watch today and tomorrow. But to be honest I won't be surprised if we get knocked out in the first round. We are playing like poo!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
It's been a good day so far. The farmer's market is open again, so I went there today, bought a coffee, browsed, bought some plants, some lettuce, and a skein al alpaca yarn for my mom. I think I'll buy a couple more skeins and give them to her for Mother's Day. Then I stopped by the store to get some pots for the plants, and the store was having a sale on pots. I also picked up a bottle of wine and some fresh flowers. I bought a couple tiny pots for Brian to use as ashtrays (since I make him smoke outside. Then I came home and potted the plants. I got some of those little handheld kiddie pinwheels and put them in the little ashtray pots with some sand. Now I'm sitting upstairs with the windows open, and Sami is sitting in the window watching the birds. I think the one bird is making noises at her.
My eye still hurts. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to see a doctor about it, and I don't have insurance at the moment.