Grindhouse is really 2 movies. Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino teamed up to make 2 B-movies, complete with worn out film and cheesy previews in between.
The first move is Planet Terror, a zombie movie (Rodriguez's movie). It was a great on-purpose B movie! There were times I was starting to go, "like that could really happen" when I remembered it wasn't supposed to be believeable. A lot of the on purpose mistakes were funny. There were tons of random explosions. And there was a high gross out factor. (There were a few times the audience audibly gasped.) All in all, it was a fun movie.
The previews were great! And hilarious! I think they were trying to one up each other for the worst movie based on the preview.
The second film was Death Proof, about a stunt driver that kills young women with his car. It starts out very B-movie, but as soon as the action starts, I think they forgot it was supposed to be a B-movie and instead turned into a regular Quentin Tarantino movie. It was still very good, and the ending was awesome!
As good as Grindhouse was, I probably would not recommend seeing it in the theater. If you would rather see it now instead of waiting for the DVD, see a matinee or at a second run theater. The exception would be a drive in theater. This movie would be awesome to see in a drive in. I plan to buy the DVD, and it'll be a great movie to see with a room full of friends so you can comment and talk about it when it's on.
LOL... good review, I haven't seen it, and wasn't going to. Now that I've heard an honest review from someone who likes Labyrinth,(LOL) I just might try to catch it at the budget