Last week, "The Insider" introduced viewers to CRISTIANNE RAY as she prepared for the arrival of her baby girl. Making her story all the more amazing is the fact that the 19-year-old is less than three feet tall.
Our VICTORIA RECAÑO joined Cristianne and her six-foot-four boyfriend, JEREMY, just hours before the delivery at the University of Washington Medical Center.
While most women are considered full-term at 40 weeks, due to Cristianne's size, she had to schedule a C-section at just 34 weeks.
"I'm short, so they thought the baby would press up on my lungs," says Cristianne.
Also of concern was the fact that Cristianne previously had a bar placed in her back to help correct her scoliosis, meaning she would not be able to have an epidural and, therefore, had to be put out for the delivery.
"I was worried about going to sleep because, you know, I am so small when they put me out," says Cristianne. "I've been put out before for back surgery, but it's still kind of scary."
Fortunately, the C-section went smoothly and Cristianne delivered a four-pound, eight-ounce girl named KRYSTEN.
"I'm a little bit sore, but I'll be okay," the new mom tells us following the surgery.
But the procedure was not without its complications.
"When we breathe, our ribcages open up and when she breathes, hers collapses, so it makes it really hard for her," says Jeremy regarding his new baby daughter. "But now that she has a breathing tube in, she's doing really good."
Wow congrats to her. theres a lot that could be said about this story, going in many different directions, but I just want to say what a happy day for those two.