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Post Info TOPIC: You Know You're Totally 80's If...

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Posts: 6700
You Know You're Totally 80's If...

  • You remember Don Johnson when he was "cool"
  • You know who shot J.R
  • You remember when Michael Jackson was actually considered something of a sex symbol
  • You practice getting in and out of your car through the windows
  • You owned at least one skinny leather tie.
  • Your first Walkman weighed 10 pounds and was the size of a brick.
  • You wore L.A. Gear tennis shoes.
  • You know the meaning of Wax on/Wax Off
  • You're always "in the mood for dancing"
  • If you can "See Better" with sunglasses that have paint splattered all over the lenses.
  • You wore lace gloves with the fingers cut off, bangle bracelets up to your elbows, bright red
  • Reebok high tops and parachute pants to a school dance
  • You need a shopping cart to carry your personal stereo with you.
  • You remember what Michael Jackson looked like before the surgery.
  • You go rollerskating every Friday night (not to skate, but to 'hang out')
  • You still want to take Karate...(after you move to California)
  • You watch NYPD Blue thinking, "Well, they're no Crockett and Tubbs, that's for sure".
  • "Outrageous!" is the term to describe something neat and cool
  • You think that Garbage Pail Kids are your children's worst enemy
  • You had a poster of Bo, Luke & Daisy Duke
  • There was nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together
  • The feeling in your thumb is only now just returning after holding down the Atari joystick to control the racecar in Enduro Racer
  • You went out and purchased the sound track for 'Miami Vice'
  • If you think Hulk Hogan is the best wrestler of all time.
  • If the best non-slasher movie in your opinion is An American Werewolf In London.
  • Two words: The Clapper.
  • Six words: "This is your brain on drugs."
  • You want to live in 'the Valley'.
  • Ferris Bueller was your idol.
  • You watched 'Star Search' on a regular basis.
  • You can sing all the words to "One Night in Bangkok" by Murray Head, and now you understand that it is about chess.
  • If you had an entire wardrobe of Esprit clothing (or coveted one.)
  • If you know the words to the "Oscar Mayer" theme songs
  • Your bangs are teased perfectly to 7 inches above the rest of your hair.
  • Have multi-colored earrings that touch your shoulders
  • Played Upwords, Boggle or Trivial Pursuit (the original) on a rainy afternoon
  • You're still bitter that WHAM broke up
  • You know whose phone number is 867-5309
  • You drink Diet Coke because Max Headroom told you to
  • You can feel St. Elmo's fire burnin' in you.
  • You still wear a bandana tied around your leg and/or a ponytail off-center on the side of your head.
  • You have the tendency to turn up the collar of your polo shirts
  • You never go out for a night on the town without frosted blue eyeshadow and feathered bangs
  • Everything in your wardrobe is either pastel or fluorescent
  • People are constantly gagging you with spoons.
  • You know all the words to "I'm just a bill, sitting up on Capitol Hill" and "School House Rock."
  • The phrase "Where's the beef?" still doubles you over with laughter.
  • You still can't believe that Milli Vanilli was deceiving you all that time
  • Every now and then, you blurt out: "Ooh noo, Mr. Bill!!!"
  • You still watch things on Beta tapes
  • You know who Martha Quinn is.
  • You still carry your boom box on your shoulder
  • You think David Hasselhoff was awesome in Knight Rider but sucks in "Boob Watch."
  • You wanted to be "The Hulk" for halloween
  • A piece of folded paper and two hands could tell your fortune.
  • Knickers and leg warmers were cool
  • If you remember Bruce Willis from Moonlighting, not Die Hard
  • You had ringside seats for Luke and Laura's wedding
  • You ever had a Dorothy Hammill haircut.
  • You thought a Commodore 64 was the highest technology available
  • When you saw luging at the Winter Olympics you poured water down your driveway and tried it yourself.
  • You want to be "Where Everybody Knows Your Name"
  • 'A Different World' kicked butt
  • Remember "Dancin' to a Big Mac at McDonalds!"
  • You know who played Magnum P.I
  • One Phrase, "The Plane, The Plane"
  • You can name at least three members of the Brat Pack
  • Still think banana clips were a godsend
  • Still wear Wet n' Wild makeup
  • If your idea of hi-tech toys is still the heat-sensitive color-changing sticker on Transformers
  • You ever wanted to learn to play "Stairway to Heaven" on the guitar and choreographed "Dancing Queen" by yourself in your room.
  • You still wear your "Members Only" jacket.
  • You still have a couple of those barettes made of woven ribbons.
  • You had snap bracelets
  • You remember when Pee-Wee wasn't a pervert.
  • You had had five pairs of socks on at any given time
  • You still think Donkey Kong can beat Mario up
  • If you still have your scratch-n-sniff sticker collection
  • If you ever used Lee Press-On Nails
  • If you wear jelly shoes
  • If you remember when you heard that drinking soda and eating Pop Rocks would make your stomach explode
  • You still play with that CASIO SK-1 Keyboard
  • You're still hoping for a New Kids on the Block reunion tour
  • You still argue over who was better: Tiffany or Debbie Gibson
  • Every time you hear the "OH YEAH..." song you think of "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
  • You still watch tapes of Stingray, McGyver, and Airwolf

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

Status: Offline
Posts: 6700

The funniest one for me - I still have saved my old sticker books and I DO have scratch 'n' sniff stickers! lmao.gif

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I had a zebra print skinny leather tie. wore it with my collar up

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

Status: Offline
Posts: 6700

rofl.gif That sounds about as sexy as my paint-spatter miniskirts and mall bangs. What the heck were we thinking when we dressed like that? Hahaha! wink

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

but......but........I liked my mall bangs (but the ozone didn't!)

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

Status: Offline
Posts: 6700

Woo Hoo wrote:

but......but........I liked my mall bangs (but the ozone didn't!)

laughing.gif Yes, I did too...even if i could have injured anyone who came in contact with them! And wasn't it nice that you could sleep on them and they would look exactly the same the next morning! Hahahaha!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

lol, oh I just thought of a terrible picture i have of myself with my hair done just so with a long white blouse and black belt on. And I was sporting my black sunglasses that had a mirrors inside so you could see behind you! i am still mad that someone stole those glasses!!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

post it!smile

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

i just might. I'll have to see if I can find it. Oh but if I remember correctly, even my husband asked "Who is that?" when he saw the picture! lol

-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 13:13, 2007-05-01

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897


hahaha! that awesome, hey??

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Chosen Woo

Status: Offline
Posts: 21048

well i remembered the photo wrong. it did not show my big hair. I found that I have very few pictures where I am not making a mean face at the camera. But I will post the picture I remember and another one where it shows some of my hair. Apparently my big hair went on into the 90's.

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897

yay! hi woo!!!
but you can't fool me them pics were taken last week.biggrin

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Chosen Woo

Status: Offline
Posts: 21048

lol, yeah right! The 2nd one is from my 16th b-day!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

garougal wrote:

rofl.gif That sounds about as sexy as my paint-spatter miniskirts and mall bangs. What the heck were we thinking when we dressed like that? Hahaha! wink


GOD I miss those days.  no.gif 

I was watching VH-1's TOTALLY 80's, a two hour block of just 80's video's.  Madonna's "Dress you up" came on and for four minutes I was back in 1984 lusting after her biggrin.gif


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Woo Hoo wrote:

well i remembered the photo wrong. it did not show my big hair. I found that I have very few pictures where I am not making a mean face at the camera. But I will post the picture I remember and another one where it shows some of my hair. Apparently my big hair went on into the 90's.

That first one is GREEEEEEEEEEAT!  Sooooooooo very very 80's, right down the the shades indoors!  I LOVE IT!


But wait a minute, you're a lot younger than I am, shouldn't that picture have been from the early 90's?  Were you a fashion behind? confused


Doesn't Do Windows

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I miss the big hair. It was awesome. smile.gif


Bad Biker Granny

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I admit it... I had the paint spattered shades. The day I bought my first brand new car I was wearing ripped up jeans with spandex pants underneath... a whole whopping 19 yrs old. My mom threw a fit! She said I looked like someone needed to be giving me a free bowl of soup instead of the keys to a new car. I LOVED Airwolf and McGyver. I had a pair of hot pink Reebok hightops. AND when I was in 7th grade, my brother was in Marine Corps Bootcamp. He asked me to send him a new picture of me so I had my best friend take one of me just before we left for a school dance. I had the Dorothy Hammill haircut (slightly feathered) and the collar of my Polo shirt was standing straight up. YES, I am a child of the 80's!


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

Sometimes I request "One Night in Bangkok" just to torment Pambo. She really hates that song.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Lord of Linguists

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Posts: 3527

LOL.... Go mema...

we have an 80's rock station here, it does the "good memories" trick for me


            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

Bad Biker Granny

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Posts: 20960

I have XM in my truck. I mostly listen to the 70's and 80's stations. Every now and again they play "One Night In Bangkok"... when I hear it I call Pambo and make her listen to it for long enough to recognize the song and start yelling at me.  I figure that is getting her back for Barely aManatall-ing me like she does.


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.

Better Than Cheddar

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I didn;t have shades with paint splattered on them but I did have quite a few obnoxious pairs of sunglasses. I had one pair with black and white checker boards....another pait that allowed you to see behind you by looking in the sides of them inside. I think I also had bright green flourescent shades, too.


Lord of Linguists

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Posts: 3527

Ha ha ....

I had the Def leppard ripped up jeans....

no izod polo's though, And I wore the black chuck taylors


            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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Posts: 3599


You remember when Michael Jackson was actually considered something of a sex symbol- ONLY WHEN BAD CAME OUT
You practice getting in and out of your car through the windows- NOPE TO OLD AND FAT AT THE TIME LOL
You owned at least one skinny leather tie. HAD 3. A BLACK , A BLUE AND A SILVER LAME
Your first Walkman weighed 10 pounds and was the size of a brick.I HAD A SMALL ONE BUT IT WASNT THE SIZE OF A BRICK
You wore L.A. Gear tennis shoes.- HAD A PAIR. BLUE AND WHITE

-- Edited by thumperglh at 23:50, 2007-05-20

The best thing this side of a stove

Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

Status: Offline
Posts: 3599

couldnt finish. wore me out lol

The best thing this side of a stove

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

thumperglh wrote:

couldnt finish. wore me out lol

 Good job Thump!


Have you bought seasons 1 - 4 of Vice yet?  The final season is out in June.

I'm halfway through season four and I'm surprised how long Sheena Easton was on as his wife.  I think by that season back in the 80's I had lost interest in the show, so I never realized she was on for such an extended run.  I think it's been six or seven episodes and it's still going.

She was a major cutie back in the day smile


Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

Status: Offline
Posts: 3599

You know the meaning of Wax on/Wax Off-waxing old cars for an old guy to get the girl and get lucky
You're always "in the mood for dancing" - never stopped
If you can "See Better" with sunglasses that have paint splattered all over the lenses. had a pair but I wear mine at night so i can see
You wore lace gloves with the fingers cut off, bangle bracelets up to your elbows, bright red - gave the bracelets to my neice
Reebok high tops and parachute pants to a school dance - had the parachute pants but only dance was prom
You need a shopping cart to carry your personal stereo with you. - had a record player with an 8 track
You remember what Michael Jackson looked like before the surgery. - kinda cute You go rollerskating every Friday night (not to skate, but to 'hang out') - i was not a popular peson so i did go to skate backwards and limbo!
You still want to take Karate...(after you move to California) - to much work

-- Edited by thumperglh at 23:57, 2007-05-20

The best thing this side of a stove

Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

Status: Offline
Posts: 3599

You watch NYPD Blue thinking, "Well, they're no Crockett and Tubbs, that's for sure". - Magnum PI ; Simon and simon; and Hart to Hart were the ones for me "Outrageous!" is the term to describe something neat and cool - Cool Beans You think that Garbage Pail Kids are your children's worst enemy had the whole collection of card You had a poster of Bo, Luke & Daisy Duke - and Farrah and a shirtless Lee Majors There was nothing to question about Bert n' Ernie living together - not at the time The feeling in your thumb is only now just returning after holding down the Atari joystick to control the racecar in Enduro Racer - played donkey kong and breakout You went out and purchased the sound track for 'Miami Vice' - still have it If you think Hulk Hogan is the best wrestler of all time. - still

The best thing this side of a stove

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442

Woo Hoo wrote:

well i remembered the photo wrong. it did not show my big hair. I found that I have very few pictures where I am not making a mean face at the camera. But I will post the picture I remember and another one where it shows some of my hair. Apparently my big hair went on into the 90's.

Woo, if you look at your face in the picture on the right, it is very familiar to Reese Witherspoon's face......   just change the hair.

-- Edited by darleneapd at 08:07, 2007-05-21


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

Hi Woo! bye.gif

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

We should have an "Us in the 80's" Thread. Everyone post a picture of you in the 80's. biggrin

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
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