Oooooooh, you know what, I should bid on this too!
Can you imagine how cool that'll look in my driveway next to the Delorean I'm gonna win? I'll have my own TV/Movie Car museum! I could charge an entrance fee to cover the cost to pay for my ten million dollar bid on the General Lee!
I remember when I was in Jr High, There was a guy that lived in a town about 20 miles from here that had a Grand Torino painted up just like the Starsky & Hutch car. Man, I thought that was soooooooo cool to see it driving through town.
I remember when I was in Jr High, There was a guy that lived in a town about 20 miles from here that had a Grand Torino painted up just like the Starsky & Hutch car. Man, I thought that was soooooooo cool to see it driving through town.
If you have a car like that you gotta make sure you always park it crooked, maybe with one tire up on the curve, so it looks like you were in hot pursuit