Last night she was outside and I talked to her for a bit.
A man that lived two houses down moved a few weeks ago, and I asked her if she missed her friend "Fireman Jim". The guy that moved was a fireman, and for the past 7 years landlady has repeatedly referred to him when telling some stories.
You see, landlady is a real snoop. She knows EVERYONES business within a two block radius. If you wanna know anything about a neighbor she's your go-to woman.
ANYWAY, last night when I ask her this question she looks at me with this confused look on her face and says "What? Fireman Jim? Was he a fireman?"
I tell her "Yeah, you're always talking about Fireman Jim".
She says she's never talked to the people in that house and in fact thought they were very rude because in years of living there they never said hello.
So I say "Oh, my mistake, but you do have a friend you call Fireman Jim right?"
She says no. She's never known any fireman
I THINK I'M LOSING MY MIND! I would be a dozen times she's referenced Fireman Jim! IN FACT, my real name is Jim, and she's always called me JR. When she started doing that she explained it was because there were too many Jim's in the neighborhood, ONE OF WHICH WAS FIREMAN JIM!