Barney was HILARIOUS again wasn't he? I loved the "Tell them what?" bit at the beginning. Overall though I was disappointed they broke Ted & Robin up again. First the most beautiful girl on TV wasn't right for him (Ashley Williams), now the second most beautiful girl on TV isn't right for him. WTH!!!
Awesome! Loved the show start to finish. I hope Robert Wagner is a recurring guest. Jake had some hilarious lines as always. I HOPE this show finally makes it to DVD in the US this year.
Anyone else HATE the last four weeks of this show? I hate when a show (and Friends did this too) plods along at a certain pace for ten years, then suddenly they cram a lifetime of changes into the final four episodes.
As a result, NONE of the last four were funny and made the main characters all look pathetic, mean and stupid. They'd be better off giving us three more regular episodes and using the last episode to keep showing ahead 5, 10, 15, 20 years so we could see what the characters were going to be moving on to.
I saw the first 2 but I missed the very start of HIMYM. My husband had us out late getting a lawn part welded for work. As always I loved them! I was expecting the break up. They want too many different things and the quest for "the one" must continue. It's not called How I Met Your Aunt.
2 & Half Men
Evelyn cracked me up at the end! Oh and Charlie's temper tantrum on the couch had me laughing and thinking of our parade! I too hope Robert Wagner comes back.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I only watched KING OF QUEENS. I was watching the Red Sox game until 9PM. I thought that the past few episodes were weird. I thought that Spence falling for Carrie was a bit weird. And that Doug would get so mad at her for keeping the apt in Manhatten was also kinda weird, when he knew all these years that has been her dream! But Arthur was the one who kept me laughing the past 3 or so weeks, he has alway made me laugh.
Well, now that they have Ming Mae Heffernan, and a new baby all in one year, that was the ending that was obvious. I felt that was how it would end.
I saw the first 2 but I missed the very start of HIMYM. My husband had us out late getting a lawn part welded for work. As always I loved them! I was expecting the break up. They want too many different things and the quest for "the one" must continue. It's not called How I Met Your Aunt.
2 & Half Men
Evelyn cracked me up at the end! Oh and Charlie's temper tantrum on the couch had me laughing and thinking of our parade! I too hope Robert Wagner comes back.
Oh yeah! Evelyn played the phone bit PERFECT. Calling the other guy instead of 911. Classic!
HIMYM did set up the return of Ted & Barney nicely though! It's gonna be LEGEN... (wait for it)
Next year should be fun if there is one.
But man, I could look at Robin for 30 minutes straight, I hope she isn't going anywhere.
By the way, I watched on the big screen last night, HOLY COW is Alyson Hannigan a freckled gal! Her entire body is freckles! I never noticed on the regular TV, but you blow her up to 10 feet and wow!
I only watched KING OF QUEENS. I was watching the Red Sox game until 9PM. I thought that the past few episodes were weird. I thought that Spence falling for Carrie was a bit weird. And that Doug would get so mad at her for keeping the apt in Manhatten was also kinda weird, when he knew all these years that has been her dream! But Arthur was the one who kept me laughing the past 3 or so weeks, he has alway made me laugh.
Well, now that they have Ming Mae Heffernan, and a new baby all in one year, that was the ending that was obvious. I felt that was how it would end.
-- Edited by darleneapd at 10:14, 2007-05-15
Yeah, that's just it D. I was ALL wierd. Too forced. I don't get why they do that. They knew all year this was the last season. The baby thing could have been a year long subplot. So could Arthurs pending marriage.
Didn't you think they made almost EVERY single character other than Deacon just look pathetic the last four weeks?
Arthur with his desperate "I'll marry anyone to get out of that basement" plot.
Doug digressing to being a fat guy who's life dream is to give up walking and ride a scooter everywhere.
The Spence and Danny semi-gay relationship with Spence falling in love with Carrie in a matter of days, Danny eventually choosing Spence over the girl he moved in with.
And Carrie, well, they've pretty much portrayed her as an evil bi#ch for the last four years, but the last four weeks it was hard to find any redeeming qualities in her at all.
I know finales always get bad reviews, but this one gets about a 1 out of 10 for me.
One thing about King of Queens, and how they have made Carrie and Doug almost hate each other at times. It just makes me look at my own relationship and say damn, if we faught all the time like they do, I'd be in jail by now.
James Dobson has a good book called "Bringing Up Boys". In the book, he makes a big deal about the current sitcoms and how they make all the dads (and most men) out to be the "stupid guy" and what a bad example/impression it gives boys watching the shows.
I'm not sure that this is truly damaging our boys, but he's right about the "stupid guy" thing. Most every sitcom, the man is always screwing something up and the wife catches him, but then forgives him and loves him anyway . . . even though he is a stupid fool.
Web, now that you mention that you are so right. I'm thinking about the latest sitcom, and they are all that way. I can name like 4 right now. The King of Queens According to Jim My Wife and Kids & Everybody Loves Raymond
I missed the last few episodes of K of Q, so I was a bit lost. But I did laugh for an hour no matter what happened. I just needed to laugh. But I agree that the episode left you thinking... what a bunch of dumb asses- especially the pregnant lady, and Deacon's racist comment!