Be Gutsy at Work Tory Johnson Avoiding Sparks Between Parents and Nonparents
Some of the best companies in America go to great lengths to accommodate employees with kids. Generous paid maternity and paternity leaves, on-site or backup child-care assistance, options for flexible work options, and even scholarships to send employees' offspring to college are just some of the popular benefits touted by employers. This aggressive emphasis on the family-friendly workplace is great for working parents, great for employers and great for society.
But when you ask another group of dedicated employees -- those without kids -- for their take, you often get a different perspective. There is growing resentment in cubicles everywhere from workers without children who are fed up with what they perceive to be too much coddling of their parenting peers.
Who's Time Is More Valuable?
They've got a good point. None of us, including this mom of 9-year-old twins, should be dismissive of our colleagues without kids. I've seen too many instances where working moms expect accommodations because they've got to get home in time to relieve the baby sitter, or they assume it's acceptable to routinely miss meetings to take their kids to any number of after-school appointments.
There's often an implicit -- and hugely mistaken -- assumption that those without kids can stay late because their time is not as valuable or they have nothing better to do outside the workplace. This attitude shows a disregard for personal time and priorities that may very well be no less important than tending to children.
Companies can't afford to risk alienating their rank and file without kids, and as colleagues and coworkers we can't let this bad blood boil, either.
Check the Attitude, Speak Up
For starters, everyone's time must be valued the same. We must be willing to carry our fair share of the workload and recognize that flexible work arrangements -- those that allow us to work from home on occasion, leave early, or step out to attend ballet lessons and soccer games -- are accommodations, not entitlements. Certain policies and protocols don't work for every position or every department.
While everyone should be willing to assist co-workers in times of need, that helping hand shouldn't be abused. If, as an employee without kids, you sense that urgent work is piled on you at the end of the day by the mom in the next office who says she must race out the door, it's up to you to put your foot down. In a respectful tone, try saying, "I'm sorry you have to leave before your project is finished, but I too have a commitment this evening that prevents me from staying behind to handle your load."
Above all, the stronger your performance -- whether you're married, single, with kids or without -- the more accommodation you can ask for and may receive. Performance and results are the key drivers to winning at work.
Tory Johnson is the CEO of Women For Hire and the workplace contributor on ABC's "Good Morning America." Connect with her at
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
I'm interested to hear what others thought of this article? I had mixed feelings about it...while I don't always think the assumptions made about childless employees are fair in the workplace, I wasn't sure I felt it was a fair comparison. Did anyone think this was abit of an assumptive editorial?
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
My two initial thoughts on the subject are that as a single guy I always resented the co-workers with kids a bit.
1) They get a LOT more sick days because of the kids. I knew a few folks I KNOW where using them as an excuse. No need to sound sick yourself, just call in to work and say the kid is sick you won't be in.
2) I actually had worked for a company that told me flat out they gave people with a wife or kids larger raises because they felt they had more responsibilities. I was just talking about this with someone a few days ago. It was nearly 20 years ago, and in hindsight I wish I would have sued their a** off when they told me that! They told me when I was getting an annual review.
I had received nearly half what a married coworker did, and I kind of tricked my boss by asking "How do I compare to Jim? Would you say I'm doing as good a job as he did". The boss said "Oh yeah, actually you're a bit ahead of Jim". Then I told him "Well, Jim's review was three weeks ago and he got twice what I got, now he makes .50 cents more per hour than I do!"
Good points Riggs. There are some situations where a workplace doesn't balance the needs and/or perks for employees with kids versus employees without kids. I think this is why I have mixed feelings. For example, why should it be different if I need to do something to care for a sick parent or grandparent, as opposed to a sick child? I've encountered that before. On the other hand, parents do need to be able to manage their family lives, even when it conflicts with work. A difficult subject...
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
I think it is ridiculous to base a persons pay wages / wage increases by marital status or number of dependents!The number of sick days should be the same for everyone!I just hate the assumption that because a person is not married or does not have children, his / her time is less valuable than those who are married or have children.I see this a lot with the guys out in the field the foreman expect them to be on call first!But I tell them, the only way it will change is if they speak up
The company I work for doesnt allow for (paid) sick days.So, I am allowed to leave and take care of personal business at the drop of a hat (unpaid) if I need to.I can either make up the hours by taking work home or working over.I wouldnt ever use my kid as an excuse to skip work that could really turn into some bad karma!I am always straight up when I need to leave or if I just want to take a day off.I am also able to bring Jake to the office after school, but he has to stay in the conference room and do his homework. I dont think that I would have this freedom anywhere else.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Do you think if you did one of those Sally Struthers things where you sponser a child in Ethiopia for fifty cents a day you could use them as your excuse for some freebie sick days?
"Hey, I'm sorry, I can't make it in to work today. My kid is sick and has no clothes for school. I gotta get to the post office right away and mail a check."