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Post Info TOPIC: Manson up for parole again!

The Good Witch Of The South


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Manson up for parole again!

This was my second brush with this type of person growing up, my first was with John Wayne Gacy (kind of hit home!) Anyway this story- Helter Skelter shocked me like no other and I read the whole book in two days. I worried either I would be a serial killer or psycho or that I would become addicted to reading stuff like this- the latter has come true. Anyway I can't believe that he is still alive and kicking and sorry we won't get to see him act like an ass in court again!

Parole Hearing Scheduled For Charles Manson

(CBS) LOS ANGELES A parole board hearing is scheduled for Charles Manson on Wednesday. Manson is currently serving a life prison term for seven homicides that are commonly known as the Tate-LaBianca murders.

The 72-year-old Manson is not expected to attend his parole board hearing, though a state-appointed attorney will be there, according to Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokesman Bill Sessa.

Deborah Tate, sister of murdered actress Sharon Tate, is expected to attend the hearing. Crime victims have a constitutional right to present victim-impact statement at such hearings.

Manson has been denied parole 10 times in the past, receiving a "string of five-year denials" owing to the gravity of his crimes, Sessa said. Five years is the maximum period that can elapse in between parole board hearings for inmates serving life with the possibility of parole.

Wednesday's hearing will take place at Corcoran State Prison, where Manson is incarcerated in a protective housing unit with other high-profile inmates such Sirhan Sirhan and Juan Corona.

Charles Manson was the leader of the Manson family, a group born in San Francisco in the late 1960s. He instructed his followers to commit gruesome murders -- including the slayings of actress Sharon Tate, the then- pregnant wife of director Roman Polanski, in addition to supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary.

Manson was initially sentenced to death in 1971, but his term was reduced to life in prison after the State Supreme Court of California eliminated the death penalty in February 1972.


Permanent Vacation

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I don't think we have anything to worry about.




The Good Witch Of The South


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I agree- let the freak out! He would never make it in this world. I guess prison is where he belongs!


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Makes you really believe the phrase.. "only the good die young" doesn't it??


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Smiles everyone, smiles!

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i mentioned this to my son this morning and he thought i was talking about
"why is he in prison?"   


You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Even if he was let out there would be plenty of people with sniper rifles!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I think Charlie has served his time and is ready to enter the general populace again.

Lately the overnight clerk at the quickie mart just hasn't instilled the fear in me he used to.  Perhaps it's time for a change.  hmm.gif


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I STILL say THIS is the scariest Manson in the world!

I would LITERALLY rather have dinner with Charles than with Marilyn.


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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I would have to disagree with you there, Riggs. Marilyn Manson may be scary looking, but he doesn't always look that way and the man has an extremely brilliant mind. He'd be a great conversationalist!

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Lord of Linguists

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well said Ggal, and he is on my all time performers list....

Even if you don't like his looks/music....

This guy should be seen.....

What a show....



            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Yeah, ok.

I'll leave that dinner party to you guys.

I can't imagine I'd find too much common ground with that guy to make for an intersting conversation.

Brilliant minds come in all kinds of packages, I prefer the ones that don't go out of their way to look like the antichrist bleh.gif


Lord of Linguists

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I think it's amazing that he is willing to question faith just for the conversation it sparks...

he also often gets poeple who refuse to listen to what he says just because they don't agree with him....

and if it was your child that looked like that would you deem that he/she had nothing valuable to say just because the way they looked????



            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Willy, my child would not look like that, I guarantee it.

And I find it pretentious to go so far out of your way to look different. If the guy was truly so "brilliant" he wouldn't need the schtick to get his point across.

We have to agree to disagree here.

It's not even about judging a book by the cover. It's about the fact he goes out of his way to appear unappealing and then can moan over the fact some people can't see past the image he chooses to put forth.

The man may be brilliant. But I pesonally believe there is a difference between showing your individuality and simply trying to be as bizarre as you can be.

Don't throw a headline out that doesn't appeal to me and then wonder why I don't read the story to find out more no.gif


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I just want to clarify, lest I be misunderstood.

I have no problem with MM recording and selling his music.  I have no problem with MM making the decision to look like he does.  I have no problem with people who enjoy his music.

My only point is that he's not someone I have any interest in hearing from or spending time with, and I won't be made to feel narrow minded simply because his schtick works.

It's like the cranky old bastard that dies alone at age 90.  Might have been the greatest guy in the world but he spent his life pushing people away with his surly attitude and unapproachable personality.  You don't blame people for not trying harder to see his good side.  He got what he gave.


Lord of Linguists

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I've seen quite a few MM interviews, and it does boil down to appearances,
not only is the guy more than intelligent.

he's a nice guy too.... and he doesn't get upset by poeple that don't pay attention to him....

he gets upset by poeple who judge him by looks alone, without finding out who he is...

just because someone looks like a smoker there's no reason to get upset with them if they tell you they don't have a smoke/light ta give you.(yes it happens)


            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

The Good Witch Of The South


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And he marries a stripper and now left her to sleep with a 19 year old. He disgusts me on his morals alone. I read their next video shows them having sex repeatedly and is very perverse. I do not want to live in a society that accepts that as worthy of music videos. Religious beliefs left aside, his appearance DISTRACTS from anything of value he could ever say to me. He is vulgar and uses his fame for no good. He gets kids attention and then lets them down.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Look what I started! crying.gif

Let's bring the thread back on topic.

Charlie Manson, parole.  Don't think so.  Not likely.  Nuh uh. 


The Good Witch Of The South


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You did not start anything JR- we are giving an opinion- amd I am not one to mince owrds or hold grudges against those that give theirs. It's what makes the world go round!

I did go to his website- which is not working very well, to try to find something redeeming and could not.


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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He was denied parole for 5 more years, heard it this morning on the radio, into work!


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Doesn't Do Windows

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I'm glad Charles was denied parole again.

I've never heard Marilyn speak.

It does not bother me in the least that I am completely content to ignore Marilyn based on his freakish appearance alone.

Because I don't know much about him, please, someone tell me. What is so brilliant about Marilyn? What does he have or offer society that is so wonderful? What good has he done or is he trying to do in this world?

Is he using his brilliant mind to do something to better the human society in any way?


Lord of Linguists

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I'll give ya somthin a little later web, I gotta run, but when I get back and have time...



            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

Doesn't Do Windows

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I just did a quick Google search on Marilyn to see what I could learn.

One link was to a MM lyric site. I clicked on the second song listed:

"Cake And Sodomy"

I am the god of f***, i am the god of f***
virgins sold in quantity, herded by heredity
red-neck-burn-out-mid-west-mind, "who said date rape isn't kind?"
porno-nation, evaluation
what's this, "time for segregation"
libido, libido fascination, too much oral defication
white trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy
time for cake and sodomy
(I am the god of f***, i am the god of f***)
vcr's and vasoline, tv-f***ed by plastic queens
cash in hand and d*** on screen, who said god was ever clean?
bible-belt 'round anglo-waste, putting sinners in their place
yeah, right, great if you're so good explain the sh** stains on your face
white trash get down on your knees, time for cake and sodomy
time for cake and sodomy

Is that one of his more "brilliant" lyrics?

If that is "brilliant" then I'd just like to go on record and say that I am as happy as I can be to have a "red-neck-burn-out-mid-west-mind".

It appears to me that in the last part he's referring to Bible believing Christians here. If so, those are some darned judgmental and prejudice statements. So, really, I guess his prejudices about me are no different than mine are about him.


King of the Ring

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I think he dresses really well and Dita is a beautiful (imao) burlesque dancer not a "stripper", I am not that up on his music, but did like his 'Tainted Love' cover.

I have heard him speak a few times and he does come across far more intelligent than he gets credit for.

And as for what he brings to the world as a positive, well if he does question religious beliefs, that for me is a very positive thing to do.

-- Edited by Ultimo at 09:42, 2007-05-24


The Good Witch Of The South


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They are not together anymore Ultimo:

Marilyn Manson Pays Evan Rachel Wood The Highest Video Salary In History

Marilyn MansonMarilyn Manson made sure his girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood became the highest paid actress in music video history for her sex scenes with him in new promo Heart-Shaped Glasses. Manson, who split from his wife Dita Von Teese last December, reportedly as a result of his relationship with Wood, was determined the 19-year-old should be properly compensated for her raunchy appearance.

The first two minutes of the Heart-Shaped Glasses promo feature Manson and Wood writhing around naked, having passionate sex - with many believing the couple actually made love for the cameras.

Manson tells MTV News, "I did insist that Evan be paid the most that any actress has ever been paid in music-video history to be in this, even though she wouldn't have asked for it. There's no one else that could've been in it, because it was inspired by her."


The Good Witch Of The South


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Oh and I completely agree about questioning religion- I do everyday!smile


King of the Ring

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Yeah I know, I was just making the point that she wasn't a stripper!



King of the Ring

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Ruby wrote:

Oh and I completely agree about questioning religion- I do everyday!smile

I'm glad you do Ruby, I'm sure you come to a different conclusion than me but hey thats life.



The Good Witch Of The South


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I love you Ultimo and hope I am not making you mad...but...

If I am amking you mad I will go on to another thread! Neve my intention. I guess as a mom of a teen who needs positive things in his life- not even thinking about God, this is the things that worry me, him listening to that music and desiring unrealistic women.

Dita Von Teese Biography:

Internationally known fetish supermodel Dita Von Teese was born Heather Renee Sweet on September 28, 1972, in Rochester, Michigan. The popular dancer and pin-up model trained to be a ballerina, but when she was fifteen she worked as a salesgirl in a lingerie store. When she was nineteen she began her career in a local strip club. Dita later became a fetish model, and finally a burlesque star, and was featured in Playboy Magazine seventeen times. She is known for her "girl in the glass" performance, where she baths in a champagne filled crystal-clear glass bathtub, and also for starring the fetish videos "Naked and Helpless," "Bound in Stockings" and in "Tickle Party: Volume 2." Her most famous role was as Mrs. Marilyn Manson, where she starred from March 2004 to December 2006. Prior to their break-up, they lived in Laurel Canyon with their four Devon Rex cats and two dachshunds dogs.


King of the Ring

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Don't worry Ruby your not making me mad at all, I love a healthy discussion.. as I think you do too.

I stand corrected on Dita being a stripper, I wasn't aware of her past.. but I still think thats not a bad thing really... I have no issues with stripping... but anyway thats a tottaly seperate issue.



Doesn't Do Windows

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From: "Get My Rocks Off"

Sometimes I dream of chicks, to bring me ever lasting joys
Sometimes I dream of animals, sometimes I dream of boys

So he likes sex with animals and boys . . . There's roll model for ya.

Yes, it is good to question religion . . . that's how you form your beliefs. In Marilyn's case, I'm not finding where he's "questioning religion" . . . all I'm finding is anti Christian statements.

In his lyrics, as many Christian, Jesus, and God statements as there are, it sounds to me like he is a believer. I'm not finding anything that suggests he doesn't believe God exists. It appears to me that he just thinks that he himself is somehow of a higher power.


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