I am just flabbergasted this parent has the gall to bring this lawsuit, although I'm sure the lawyers FOUND HIM and have him convinced he should sue.
MLB Pitcher Josh Han**** died a month ago, this is why...
Authorities said the 29-year pitcher had a blood content of nearly twice the legal limit for alcohol in his system when he crashed into the back of the tow truck. He was also speeding, using a cell phone and wasnt wearing a seat belt, Police Chief Joe Mokwa said after the accident. Marijuana also was found in the SUV.
The father is now suing the bar that gave his ADULT SON "too much" to drink.
But it doesn't end there. OH NO.
He's also suing the tow truck driver for having his tow truck parked on the freeway.
But it doesn't end there. OH NO.
This JACKASS is suing the driver of the stalled vehicle for "being negligent in allowing his vehicle to reach the point where it stalled on the highway, and for failing to move it out of the way of oncoming traffic. "
I'm just so SICK of it all! HEY DAD! Pick up a picture and look at your drug smoking, alcoholic son who was talking on a cell phone trying to set up a meeting with a girl at a bar while speeding on the interstate without watching the road. YOU MIGHT JUST FIND THE ONLY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SONS DEATH!