ok I forget where I posted about the changes around here. We got a cut in funding from one of the agencies who pays us. This is supposed to be temporary but I'll believe that when I see it. So to help with costs we have to cover, they have decided to cut direct care staff's hours some. My husband said that he didn't know if the big wigs were gonna loop me with them or not. But my supervisor has not talked to me about this at all. If they do this will be a problem for us. They have also cut overtime. For the most part it should not be a big deal to me. However my husband rarely gets out on time. So you are supposed to leave early to compensate for any time you worked over. I don't see this working out to well for us. He said that he would try to leave on time because we would start being on different schedules if he doesn't. He thinks that they will not approve me to work the same type of schedule as him. But I don't see why not! What does it matter when I get the info in as long as it gets in there before payroll. But if not, it's not cost effective for us to be driving separate vehicles either. I am not sure what else if anything is brewing. I think they are only doing stuff out of panic and not really thinking things through.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"