With Thumpers B-day T-10 upon us, I reckon it's high time I FINALLY mail out YOUR Birthday T-10's
I swear, I wanted to do it looooooooong ago. I kept putting it off cus I wanted to make a fancy shmancy label for each of you. But I gotta just get these mailed out to you guys.
So if you PM me your addresses I'll have em' in the mail no later than Friday.
In the meantime, I'm making them all available as podcasts (should be online by 1 PM CT).
You can listen to them on Windows Media Player by clicking the link below...
Well, my intentions were good, but after almost an hour of trying to load the podcasts onto my server it looks like it ain't gonna happen.
I think my server host may have a limit on how big of a file I can transfer onto it. Even though I shrunk these down to 64k they're still big files and don't seem to want to load.