I love that I can be in the shower, hear the weather folks talking about something I want to hear, and I don't have to worry because I know when I'm done with my shower I can just go and rewind the news.
Ten years ago I would have hurried up to try and get into the living room, probably would have slipped on the floor with my wet feet and cracked my head open on the sink.
We get such frequent severe storms, I have it to where the Weather Channel notifies me on my cell if there is bad weather in the area. It has come in VERY handy at times.
I like the radar on wunderground.com. It is typically only about three minutes behind, compared to the Weather channel's radar which always looks about 15-20 minutes behind real time.
I like playing with the radar features on Wunderground. You can get radar that is tracking the individual storms like this. Then you can use the ledgend below and see just how intense each storm is.
I keep using a trial of a software program called storm predator. It's a really cool radar program with tons of features, including letting you track a storm.
I like to see if I can be more accurate than the weather guy when predicting when and where a storm will hit us. So far I'm 1 and 1.
If I cough up the fee it has lightning strikes on it too! That would be cool.