I held off on the story because I wasn't sure exactly what was going on but here is news from home. These were his friends. He didn't end up going at the last minute. I think another friend's girl didn't want him to go so they didn't. A coworker of mine that lives in Fenton told me about the crash but at the time we had no idea who they were.
Crash another teenage tragedy
Friday, June 08, 2007
By Kim Crawford, Linda Angelo and Joe Lawlor
kcrawford@flintjournal.com 810.766.6242
FENTON - Adam J. Powell, 18, was known for his sense of humor.
"He was a funny guy, a guy who loved to make jokes," said classmate Justin Slate, 17, a Holly High School junior. "The only time he wasn't joking was when he was mad."
Powell, a Holly senior and former varsity basketball player who was set to graduate mid-summer, was killed early Thursday when his vehicle crashed into a Fenton restaurant.
His friend James R. Waller, 18, who graduated from Holly last week, was listed in critical condition at Genesys Regional Medical Center this morning. Another friend, Michael J. Craig, 18 and a student in Holly's alternative education program, suffered minor injuries.
The crash occurred only a short time after the three attracted the attention of employees at the Taco Bell on Owen Road in Fenton early Thursday. An employee there called police, saying "some drunken young men were causing problems," Fenton Police Chief Rick Aro said.
As a Fenton police officer responded about 2 a.m., driving west on Owen Road, a sport-utility vehicle matching the one Powell was driving went by in the other direction, Aro said.
"(The officer) turned around and turned on his lights, but it appeared that the (vehicle) accelerated to a high rate of speed," Aro said. "All our officer saw was taillights."
Police believe that moments later, Powell's vehicle, headed east on Shiawassee Avenue after the point where Owen Road and Shiawassee Avenue merge, tried to turn south onto S. Leroy Street but instead smashed into the Fenton House restaurant.
"All three were well-liked," Holly High School Principal Dave Nuss said of the crash victims. "They were 18 and ready to tackle life and full of energy. Unfortunately, we are reminded again how life is extremely fragile and precious."
Powell had been injured earlier in the school year in a serious motor vehicle accident that prevented him from playing basketball.
Yearbook photos taken when Powell was a junior capture him playing basketball with his teammates. One caption quotes Powell as saying, "Even though the season didn't go as we planned, we never showed mercy."
Waller was involved with the high school's yearbook. Slate, who took the class with Waller, said the teen idolized LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers.
"We always talked about basketball," Justin said. "We would watch highlights on the Internet."
Aro said police believe the teens may have been drinking the night of the accident, although he declined to say where his officers think the young men got the alcohol.
Janet Rauch, who lives near the restaurant, said she "woke up to screeching tires and a crash."
"I thought, 'What is going on?'" Rauch said. "I looked outside and saw the flashing lights."
Ken Nevells, owner of the Fenton House, said the car destroyed the take-out counter and part of the kitchen, but the restaurant will reopen today.
"There's a lot of damage, but not enough damage to prevent me from reopening," said Nevells, who estimated the monetary damage at more than $100,000. He said city building inspectors determined the structure was safe for operation.
Nevells, who said he "feels real sorry for those kids," said the dining area is intact. The Fenton House also was damaged from a fire in 2000.
Nevells said the restaurant will have to close for a short time later this year for renovations.
Aro said Waller underwent surgery at Genesys. Craig was the only one of the three young men in the vehicle who was wearing a seat belt.
Aro said that even though Powell was killed in the crash, his officers would be consulting with the Genesee County prosecutor's office about details of the investigation.
"You know, every year we try to talk to the graduating seniors about drinking and driving," the chief said. "But it seems we lose some kids in spite of it. It's a tragedy."
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"