What's you favorite brand and why? What kind of toppings do you like?
I'm just curious.
I seem to change every so often. For awhile I was on a Tony's kick. I like it's flaky crust, but sometimes it's too flaky. It makes a mess.
Then I was on a Tombstone run for awhile. I think I like that one because it's all my folks ever bought when I was a kid so it kind of brings back memories.
The Jacks Naturally Rising is good, it's a chewy crust.
But right now my last three frozen pizzas have been Red Baron, again, the crust is good and the sauce is tasty too.
JD & I are the same in this I think, I usually buy just a cheese pizza and then top it with fresh ingredients like tomatos, mushrooms, sausage, turkey, even shrimp.