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Post Info TOPIC: Now they've gone too far!!!


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Now they've gone too far!!!

Here's my take....
When I was a kid, I rode my bike or walked everywhere I wanted to go. Mom or Dad didn't drive us someplace unless it was outside of that area. School was in the neighborhood so we walked back and forth every day, rain.snow.sun!
We ate pizza, cereal etc. Some kids were fat. (I was puddgy)
I'm getting so done with all of this.

So, here's the front page of (I got rid of some of the blah, blah)

WASHINGTON - Kellogg Co., the world's largest cereal maker, has agreed to raise the nutritional value of cereals and snacks it markets to children.

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The Battle Creek, Mich., company avoided a lawsuit threatened by parents and nutrition advocacy groups worried about increasing child obesity. Kellogg intends to formally announce its decision Thursday.

The company said it won't promote foods in TV, radio, print or Web site ads that reach audiences at least half of whom are under age 12 unless a single serving of the product meets these standards:

_No more than 200 calories.

_No trans fat and no more than 2 grams of saturated fat.

_No more than 230 milligrams of sodium, except for Eggo frozen waffles.

_No more than 12 grams of sugar, not counting sugar from fruit, dairy and vegetables.

Jacobson's nutrition advocacy group, along with two Massachusetts parents and the Boston-based Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood (what the heck is this?), had served notice in January 2006 of intent to sue Kellogg and the Nickelodeon cable TV network under a Massachusetts law to stop them from marketing junk food to kids.

Then it continues....
"These characters play an incredibly important role in children's lives. Kids see them every day; they have toys of them," Linn said. "The media characters are much more powerful (than company-owned characters like Tony the Tiger). The food companies want to keep using them because they sell a lot of food; kids really respond to them."

Here's more....
American companies spend about $15 billion a year marketing and advertising to children under age 12, the Institute of Medicine said last year when it warned that one-third of American children are obese or at risk for becoming obese.

Are we that f-ing lazy?


All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Ghost In The Machine

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I think they (the parents) need to shut off Nickelodeon and send their kids outside to play more!  I've noticed right here in my own neighborhood, where there are a lot of kids, hardly anyone plays outside anymore.  cry


Permanent Vacation

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I agree with you here. Here's an idea, if it's not healthy, DON"T BUY IT FOR YOUR KIDS!!! I never got sugary cereal growing up, because my mom wouldn't buy it for me. The only time I got that type of cereal was over at my grandma's house. What happened to parenting?




Permanent Vacation

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Exactly Ghost! I remember being kicked out of the house and being forced to go outside and play so my mom could clean OR I would have to help clean too!




Ghost In The Machine

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That's what my mom did too Mz.  She'd tell us we had a choice...either go out and play or she'd find something for us to do...which usually translated over into some kind of cleaning.  Funny thing was, once we were out, we'd stay out all day long because we were having so much fun! 

I still like to go out and play with my girls, even though both are teenagers now.  We get out the bikes or skates, or sometimes even the supersoaker water guns and just have fun playing. 


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Yeah, this is pretty sad.

Like MZ said, if it's bad for em' don't buy it! Last time I checked there weren't a lot of ten year olds doing their own food shopping.

This country is full of stuff like this. Everyone wants to put the blame somewhere else and take ZERO responsibility for themselves or their children.




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I was pre-SuperSoaker. We did use the garden hose. Baseball and football in the alley. We built push carts from old crates that we snagged from the corner grocer. Oh, that's right, we did away with corner grocers too!
I was talking to a lady yesterday about a local outdoor public pool that was closed in 2003. We talked about how important those places were. She said, "We'd take off first thing in the morning and for some reason we'd get home just in time for dinner"
Lunch was at a friend's house. Sometimes, my friend's grandma would make us pbjs. She always kept the bakery bread in the fridge, so it always had a chill to it. My buddy and I would load Fritos on the pbjs. Crunchy, chilled and very satisfying!

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.


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I need to comment on JR's...

Ten year olds demand their parents buy them something or they might sue!!smile

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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The kids went and got lawyers now?!? weirdface.gifhmm.gif Things HAVE changed since I was a kid hmm.gif


Ghost In The Machine

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This is our public pool that has sat empty for the past 2 or 3 years because our city doesn't have the money to fix it and maintain it.  It has a wave pool and two water slides but has become an eyesore in the community now. 




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Well, we (in Wauwatosa, WI) did receive some good news the other day. This link will lead to the article about our local pool.

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Smiles everyone, smiles!

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kids are fat because they don't know how to play.  seriously they don't KNOW how to play...  Jake (my 14 yr old) has a brother who is 6 (extended family).  He spent the weekend at our home, and i swear, the kid doesn't know how to play.  We live out in the sticks and there is a ton of cool stuff to do in the woods; Jake tried to get him to hit some balls, shoot some hoops; build a fort, catch lightning bugs...  i watched some through the window and the kid was lost!  then he'd come in whining that he was tired and it was hot and he was dirty....  next thing you know, he's getting ready to start up the video games...  I say "no" and he says, "Well, then take me home."  to which i said "go play outside!" 

Jake invited him to come another weekend, but he said he didn't want to if he had to play outside!

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)


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You need to be careful. If a child is playing and gets hurt, you might be liable. If they have fun, they might want to come back. Then, their parent feels bad because your house is more fun. :(
Man, I'm feeling sarcastic today (more than usual)

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Smiles everyone, smiles!

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and imagine the consequenses if the kid died from boredom!

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)


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Or, a good whoopin'

Gee, what did I do? It's not like I cut down a cherry tree!

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

Smiles everyone, smiles!

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Posts: 8321

but that could traumatize them into a life of crime...


You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
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