I received my CD today w/ my birthday T-10 on it. I listened to it w/ my mother earlier. She couldn't believe how cute you sounded. And was amazed at how you do this for people here. I was trying to explain the concept of FFR to her, and the forum but she didn't quite get it. She thought I had to pay you for this...... she couldn't believe that you would do such a nice thing, broadcast 10 songs for someone's birthday, and then mail it out, without charging a dime!!
And she got to listen to songs that make me smile!! I cried when you talked about Van Morrison's song "brown eyed girl" being for Kaisha. Because that song truly does have meaning for me. Plus I'm an emotional train wreck anyway...
I know. You've had a rough couple days. But you ALWAYS have Kaisha right? She ain't goin' nowhere
It's kind of cool to get some of that stuff recorded. We've recorded some of JD's shows, all the Birthday T-10s and some other stuff.
When this is done and over with, and I'm 90 years old in a nursing home, it will be cool to pop these in and listen to them (assuming they can find a CD player to play em' on in 50 years!)
Well, it's hard to tell from the picture but I think they were wireless, so they had to be a little more expensive.
Still though. I don't buy the premise she can only have one or the other. I think she was just trying to let me down easy instead of flat out dumping me