Last I heard, I thought she was living in some chateau in France with her hubby, Mutt. speaking of breakthrough albums, she definitely crossed over and became known nationally and introduced more people to country. Don't know which song did it though. Personally, I think it might have been that music video with her in the leopard print jumpsuit.
I just read in Billboard magazine that her COME ON OVER album just sold it's 20 millionth copy in the US ALONE! That's amazing.
All three of her CD's have sold over 10 million copies.
But she really drags her feet putting out music.
You're right, I think that video (and that whole album) was her coming out party. The song was "Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You)". The entire album was chuck full of pop hits and turned her into a national sensation.
I'm proud to say I was on the bandwagon early with her REAL country CD "Any Man Of Mine". I loved almost every song on there.
I'll admit I never was a huge Shania fan. Probably envy more than anything else. It's just not right that somebody has EVERYTHING!! God should spread out the genetic gifts a little more. See, it's fair that Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand can sing. Not so much Faith Hill and Shania!!
I have to agree with you. But you know, Shania was nothing until she hooked up with Mutt Lange (a man who has a ton of talent but not so much in the looks department).
He's really the reason she's successful. He's broght that rock/pop sound to her music.
Her first album, the self-titled one, didn't sell at all and only spawned one very minor hit.
My father and I both agreed on this. She looks even BETTER without makeup!
We were both watching some interview that took place in her house when she was just wearing sweats and no makeup (or atleast very little). STILL GORGEOUS!!! Even MORE SO we thought!
My father and I both agreed on this. She looks even BETTER without makeup!
We were both watching some interview that took place in her house when she was just wearing sweats and no makeup (or atleast very little). STILL GORGEOUS!!! Even MORE SO we thought!
On her Behind the Music episode, they showed her high school picture. She just had a Madonna'ish gap in the front. Nothing horribly disfiguring. I think though, for the whole package, I'd rather be Faith. Tim's cuter than Mutt, and I could still live right here in TN!! I give them equal points in beauty and talent. Just remember, Faith's a mother of three s and STILL looks like that!!
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson