The music site in Russia, has been shut down. Interestingly, a new site quickly emerged and somehow, if you had an account on, that account would work on this site. I can't imagine how it was possible that a "new" site could get all your account info. The new site didn't last long either, is now offline too.
HOWEVER, I'll have to see what I can find out about the one that got shut down. Hopefully it was free peer to peer and not a pay site like the one I use.
I normally send them $50 to $100 to fund my account, but I guess I better start sticking to smaller deposits incase they are shut down.
Oh, I assumed was what you were using.
No, allofmp3 was a pay site. I had looked at it but was too scared to give them my credit card #. Their prices were like 10 cents/track. My understanding is that the World Trade Organization put enough pressure on Russia to get them to shut it down.