We have Verizon Wireless and it is almost time for us to be able to upgrade our cell phones. I was all excited but now I don't even know why we are bothering! I wanted to to be able to get online on my phone and was considering ones that had an MP3 player. But my husband shot all my dreams out the window last night. He says we can't afford anything and that if we were worried about me having internet that we would look into getting me one like his work phone (a Treo even though I have told him how much I hate that phone!) So then I asked him if there was anything wrong with his current personal cell. He said no but that we needed to upgrade anyway to something more updated. I see no point if there is nothing wrong with them! It's not like we are on analog! All this will do is lock us into another 2yr contract. I wanted online for those times when my other internet is out. I can't very well use his work phone while we are at work! I am just disgusted with the whole thing!
-sorry just needed to rant a bit. It had popped back in my head.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I wish you would have ranted about this a month ago :(
I just sold my Verizon phone. It was less than a year old and was EXCELLENT. It had everything, including an MP3 player with a jog button and play controls on the face of the unit. I even had the expanded memory card so you could store about 200 songs on it :(
I would have much rather have GIVEN it to a friend than sold it at pennies on the dollar to a stranger :/
well that seems to be the way my luck goes. oh well. I guess I will just have to start racking up my minutes and call you all when the internet is down.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"