Everyone at Freeze-Frame is making a concerted effort to get this forum running. Maybe this topic can help.
Use it as an opportunity to let me know what you're thinking! What would you like to hear more or less of on Freeze-Frame? Is there anything you'd like to say about the website? Is there something we can add to it to make it more useful to you? Ideally we'd love to be the page you set as your homepage, what would it take for that to happen?
You can contact me about ANYTHING music, web-site or station related via this thread!
I think you're doing a great job. This is the radio station I listen to all day at work. I love it. When you guys were knocked off the air I was lost. Well, more lost than usual.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I'm glad to hear it! Not that you were lost, but that you love the station!
I'm sorry we've been so erratic the last three days with our stream, but in the long run we're going to have a much better station if we can fix our problems and utilize this new broadcasting software we purchased.
Hopefully we'll still have an audience by the time we're done! We're running at about 35% of the normal audience the last three days as people have gotten tired of trying to tune back in.
Yeah, This is one of the first stations I found on the internet radio scene, but I really haven't had the need to look any further...great stuff here...good people too...
One of the things I have noticed over the last few days is that the songs have overlapped each other. Personally I liked it better when one song would finish out completely, there'd be a beat or two of silence, and the new song would begin...it gave a sense of completion and moving on. Plus it's not as jarring musically than it is having one beat overlap another beat. takes longer to get into the feel of the new song.
Now songs like Chicago's Hard to say I'm sorry, where it goes right into Get Away...there it doesn't need a break, as it is meant to flow, but having huey Lewis overlapped by Guns n Roses...not so much
You're right, we've been crossfading the music for the past 4 days, part of the new software. There's a couple reasons this is good. The main one being that Live365 recognizes silence as a termination of a signal, so if a song has too long of a fadeout and the new one doesn't start right away it can actual lead to drops in the server.
Also, the RIAA would like everyone to use crossfading to eliminate people ripping music off of live streams with programs like cool edit.
In most cases I think it keeps the sound flowing, but you're absolutely right that there's some songs that simply don't mesh. There are other songs (like Bon Jovi's YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME) where a fade-in is a big mistake because you lose the punch of that opening line "SHOT TO THE HEART, AND YOU'RE TO BLAME".
Luckily the new system allows us to alter each idividual song as we see fit, so for example after I played that Bon Jovi song this morning and realized what a bad lead in it was with the fade I was able to permantely mark that song to NEVER fade in, but rather to always start cold.
Over time, every song in the library will be customized to produce the best sound possible.
gottcha... thought it was just a style choice...i understand all of the reasons for it though. ripping of the music...didn't even think of that as a reason for crossfading...did guess the dead air thing though