This spring, two teenage girls were on an ATV and wrecked it out in a pasture. One girl was hurt pretty seriously but not critical. The family built up some major medical bills. The other girl was banged up but not hurt nearly as bad.
Last night was the annual end of fair, 4-H livestock auction. This girl that was hurt the worst was still able to be in 4-H and she had a market steer in the fair.
At the auction last night, bidding was fast and furious on her steer and went for a really good price . . . but it didn't end there. The winning bidder yelled out "Sell it again!" . . . so they did. The next winner did the same thing. And the next. And the next, quite a few times.
When the bidding finally stopped, they had sold the same steer enough times that they raised over $25,000 for her. It worked out to be over $18.00/lb.
Sometimes people do things that make you smile and proud to be part of a small community.