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Post Info TOPIC: This is a real set of classroom rules!

The Good Witch Of The South


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Posts: 19309
This is a real set of classroom rules!

Gosh I had it good with all them nuns! LOL I can't even post it in one post!

Classroom Management Procedures


Mr. Mills's Class


Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for using a telephone book, boarding an airplane, approaching a traffic light, and attending a wedding. The reason we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient ways other people do things.

There are also procedures in this classroom. These procedures establish our classroom culture. Below is a list of our classroom procedures.

1. Entering the classroom

  • Quietly enter the room ready to work.
  • The first person entering the room should pass out the papers from the class period's tray if there are any in the tray.
  • Touch any equipment or supplies placed on the tables only when directed to do so.
  • Sharpen any pencils and have materials ready to begin work.
  • Copy the assignment listed on the white board into your agenda.
  • Begin Bellwork.

2. Bringing materials to class

  • Bring the following materials to class:
  • The textbook
  • Agenda
  • Journal
  • Trapper with supplies: pencils, pens, paper
  • All assignments
  • The class folder
  • A good book to read
If you must leave the classroom to get these items you will receive a tardy.

3. Late assignments

  • Assignments are late if they are not turned in when requested.
  • If your assignment is late, write LATE in big letters across the top margin and place the assignment in the correct assignment tray. There is NO guarantee that the assignment will be accepted.
  • If you forgot your assignment in your locker, you can bring it to Mr. Mills before the end of the day without being late.

4. Using a LATE pass

  • Students will receive one LATE pass per grading period. A LATE pass will excuse any late assignment as long as the assignment is submitted the next school day after the assignment was due.
  • Staple the LATE pass on the paper and return it during your class period on the next school day.


5. When you are tardy

  • Enter the room quietly.
  • Do not interrupt the teacher or the class.
  • Complete a red tardy slip and list the reason for your tardiness.
  • Staple your pass (if you have one) to the red tardy slip.
  • Place the red tardy slip in the blue assignment box for your class period.
  • Be seated and get to work.

6. End-of-period class dismissal.

  • The bell does not dismiss the class; the teacher dismisses the class.
  • Remain in your seat when the bell rings and do not put your work away.
  • When you are dismissed, put your work away, clean the area under and on your tables, and put your chairs in their proper places.
  • Group leaders should make sure all materials are returned to their proper places.
  • Walk orderly out of the room.

7. Listening to and responding to questions

  • Answer questions when asked.
  • Be polite to others when they answer questions.
  • Raise your hand to be selected by the teacher.
  • Wait until you are asked before you respond.

8. When you need a pencil or paper

  • Do not disturb the class or teacher
  • If a lesson is being taught or someone is talking, wait.
  • If no lesson is being taught or no one is talking, quietly walk to the place where pencils and/or paper are kept, take what you need, quickly go back to your seat, and resume your work.
  • Return pencils at the end of class.
  • Replenish the paper you borrowed when you get more.

9. Quieting down for the teacher

  • When the teacher raises his hand or rings his bell, freeze.
  • Turn and face the teacher; pay attention, and keep your eyes on him.
  • Be ready for instruction. He will have something to say.

10. When you are absent

  • Do not ask the teacher for your assignment.
  • Go to the missed work folders on the bulletin board.
  • Find the folder for your class.
  • Look for the packet with your name on it.
  • Take it back to your seat. Enter the assignments in your agenda.
  • If you do not understand the assignment, use the proper procedure to ask a question when the teacher isn't teaching.
  • In large letters, write ABSENT in the top margin.
  • Return the completed assignment to the blue homework box.
  • Check Moodle or your CD-ROM (science only) for any needed paper.

11. Working cooperatively

  • The group leader is in charge, but he/she should not be bossy.
  • Work together in table voices.
  • Everyone must do something for the cause.
  • Be polite.

12. Keeping your folder

  • The folder is used to take homework back and forth from school to home
  • Mark the left pocket "To Do" and mark the right pocket "Done" in your folder.
  • Keep your folder neatly organized.
  • Take out any papers that do not belong there.
  • Replace the folder with another folder of the same color if it becomes torn or useless.

13. Going to the office

  • If called to the office, wait until Mr. Mills dismisses you.
  • Take your agenda with you.
  • Upon returning, do not interrupt Mr. Mills or the class.

14. When you need help or conferencing

  • Do not interrupt or disturb the class.
  • Set your textbook on its end.
  • Work until the teacher comes to help you.

15. Receiving a midterm report

  • Place your blue midterm report in your folder.
  • Share it with your parents. Have one parent sign it.
  • Place it in the blue assignment box before the due date.
  • Mr. Mills will give you a white copy to keep with your updates in your folder.

16. Receiving a grade update

  • Place your update in your folder.
  • Share it with your parents
  • Students should keep updates in their folders.
  • At the end of the quarter, you may remove all updates for that quarter.

17. When you are a group leader

  • Group leader assignments are posted in the pocket chart on the bulletin board by the calendar.
  • Group leaders must have their agendas signed by the teacher immediately after the bell rings.
  • Group leaders will look at other group members' agendas and sign them.
  • Group leaders will take attendance for their groups and report absentees to Mr. Mills.
  • Group leaders collect all assignments and turn them in to the proper folder in the assignment box with a post-it note stating missing assignments and the date.
  • Group leaders do Make-Up Work sheets for those absent.
  • Group leaders make sure all materials are put away and chairs properly placed at the end of class.

18. Passing in papers

  • Give your paper to your group leader.
  • Group leaders list the names of any student who has a missing assignment and the date on a post-it note.
  • Group leaders place the assignments the proper slot of the blue assignment box.


The Good Witch Of The South


Status: Offline
Posts: 19309

19. Exchanging papers

  • Exchange papers by following the teacher's instructions.
  • Do not exchange papers with any student who does not have a completed paper.
  • Sign your initials at the bottom right corner of the paper.

20. Sharpening a pencil

  • Do not disturb the class or teacher
  • If a lesson is being taught or someone is talking, wait.
  • If no lesson is being taught or no one is talking, quietly go the pencil sharpener (by the door), sharpen your pencil quickly, quietly go back to your seat, and resume work.

21. Getting a tissue

  • Students should bring a box of tissues to their homeroom teachers at the beginning of the year.
  • Do not disturb the class or teacher
  • If a lesson is being taught or someone is talking, wait.
  • If no lesson is being taught or no one is talking, quietly go the tissue box (on the overhead projector cart), sharpen your pencil quickly, quietly go back to your seat, and resume work.

22. Going to the library

  • If you have a class reason to go to the library, put your book on end.
  • When Mr. Mills arrives at your table, politely ask permission to go to the library.
  • If he agrees, give him your agenda to sign a pass.
  • Complete the pass and go to the library.
  • Return when Mr. Mills tells you to return.
  • Mr. Mills will need to sign your pass again when you return.

23. Going to the restroom

  • Do not ask. You may not go during class.
  • If there is no possible way to wait, you must accept a tardy and follow the tardy process when you return.

24. Getting a drink

  • You will not be able to leave class for a drink. Don't ask!

25. When you finish early

  • You must keep working.
  • You may read a book, work on another assignment, look at one of Mr. Mills's books, draw, or write.

26. When a school wide announcement is made

  • When the tone of the public address system sounds, freeze!
  • Continue to wait quietly during the entire announcement.
  • Pay attention! Someone has something to say.

27. Watching Channel One

  • When Channel One comes on, put down anything in your hands.
  • Look at the television monitor.
  • Listen for understanding.
  • You may work on something quietly during commercials. When the program returns, put down anything in your hands, look at the television monitor, and listen for understanding.
  • Remain quiet during the entire program.
  • Pop quizzes may be given for Channel One programs. Pay attention.

28. Responding to a fire drill

  • A warning will be given by the alarm
  • Keep calm and quiet.
  • Stay with your class.
  • Leave the classroom in a single file line and turn right.
  • Go out the south door (#10).
  • Turn left on the main sidewalk, cross Stewart Street , and turn left after crossing the street.
  • Wait in a group for the teacher to take attendance.
  • Remain quiet and return to the building when the "All Clear" is given.

29. Responding to a tornado drill

  • A warning will be given over the intercom.
  • Keep calm and quiet.
  • Stay with your class.
  • Leave the classroom in a single file line and turn left.
  • Go to D Hall outside of the cafeteria.
  • Stay clear of all areas with glass.
  • Sit quietly on the floor as directed by the teachers and wait for further instructions.

30. Responding to lock down 1

  • Keep calm and quiet.
  • The teacher will lock the door.
  • No one will leave the room until the "all clear" is given.
  • Class will proceed as normal.

31. Responding to lock down 2

  • Keep calm and quiet.
  • The teacher will lock the door.
  • The table leader closest to the door turns off the lights.
  • Leaders from tables 2, 4, and 7 pull down the blinds.
  • Students will sit on the floor in our designated safe place.
  • Wait quietly for further instructions.
  • No one will leave the room until the "all clear" is given.

32. Responding to a knock on the door

  • A student nearest the door should answer the door.
  • The student should try to help without disturbing the class or the teacher.
  • If Mr. Mills is needed, politely interrupt him to tell him what is needed.

33. When visitors enter the room

  • Do not speak to the visitor unless the visitor speaks to you.
  • Wait quietly or keep working.

34. If the teacher is out of the classroom

  • Do what you are supposed to do when the teacher is in the room.

35. If you are suddenly ill

  • Put your book on end.
  • Leave the class immediately for the restroom. Take the wastebasket if you think you cannot make it to the restroom.
  • Come back as soon as you can if you do not get sick. If you do get sick, go to the office and have the secretary let Mr. Mills know you are there.

36. Saying "thank you"

  • Be polite when someone does something for you by saying "thank you."

37. Heading papers

  • Use only full sheets of paper that are standard sized.
  • Use pencil or pen (No red or green, please, except to grade).
  • Put a heading in the upper right hand corner of the paper. The following information should be there in this order:
  • First and Last Name
  • Subject and Period
  • Date
  • Page Number or description of the assignment
  • Skip a line between each problem or question.
Erase any unwanted marks. Do no mark them out with pencil, marker, or pen. Do not draw on your paper. Do not tear the paper's edges.

38. Traveling in the hall

  • Walk to the right of the hallway or stairs.
  • Talk only if necessary and use 2 feet voices.
  • Running is permitted only in gym class.

39. Checking out a book from Mr. Mills's class

  • Students may check out books from Mr. Mills's room by doing the following:
  • Select a book from the shelves.
  • If there is a card in the back of the book, sign it.
  • If there is no card, write your name, the title of the book, and the date on a stick note..
  • Put the card and/or slip on Mr. Mills'a IN tray oo his desk.
  • When you return the book, place it in Mr. Mills's IN tray on his desk.


The Good Witch Of The South


Status: Offline
Posts: 19309


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

I'm sorry, I had the misconception that students went to school to learn...

I swear, there are some people who decided to become teachers so they could have someone to control. The not leaving when the bell rings and not being able to use the restroom rules always made me mad. At my high school, if you didn't leave when the bell rang, you didn't make it to your next class on time. And most teachers who have the no restroom rule are male.




Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

I'm all for having some rules in the classroom, but this sure is a long list of 'em! 

I don't like the rule that they can't use the bathroom during class.  That rule has always been a pet peeve of mine.  It seems almost all teachers at the middle school and high school levels have this rule, and it always makes me wonder exactly when the kids are supposed to relieve themselves.  When I questioned my kids' teachers about this rule, they always told me "they can use the restroom during lunch".  Um ok, but what if they really have to go before lunchtime rolls around?  I was told there are no exceptions to the rule.  I asked what if a girl starts her period during class.......again, no exceptions to the rule. A few teachers told me "they can use the bathroom in between classes, they have four minutes to get to their next class".  It sounds like a lot of time, but it isn't enough time to use the bathroom and get to class before a tardy bell rings, and at the schools here, they lock the classroom doors at the tardy bell....they call this procedure a Hall Sweep......if kids are not in class before the door is locked, they have to go the office, sit there for the duration of class, then stay after school for another hour for detention.   

Well, I told both of my girls they are old enough to know when they really have to use the bathroom.......if they ask a teacher for permission to go to the restroom and the teacher says no, I want them to go ahead and go anyway......I'll deal with whatever repercussion/punishment comes from it.

While I understand some kids will abuse bathroom privileges, the majority of the kids don't, and kids know when they can wait and when they can't.  I really hate the "no bathroom during class" rule!!!  furious


Permanent Vacation

Status: Offline
Posts: 23086

Exactly Ghost! If ya gotta go, ya gotta go! If someone abuses the bathroom privileges, you talk to that person, but don't punish everyone else's full bladders because of it.




Smiles everyone, smiles!

Status: Offline
Posts: 8321

our schools have a whole handbook of rules & regulations that they have to sign in blood (and it will be dna tested!)

three words:

opression births revolution...

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897

anyone remember the anal retentive chef?

redir?src=image& Details

this is the anal retentive teacher!

About a decade ago I was a "forensics adjudicator"- a forensics (sic?) judge. Many of the other judges were english teachers from the different high-schools. If you thought they were weird as a student, omg you should see them in the teachers lounge. A different breed altogether...teachers....
redir?src=image& Details

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Chosen Woo

Status: Offline
Posts: 21048

The bathroom rule is ridiculous! Many times your class is clear across the building and there is no time to go between class! furious

I am also surprised that they don't have to wait for Mr. Mills to tell them to respond to the drill sirens since they are not allowed to react to the bell!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
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