I've been out riding my quad and got bogged in a mud pit! Got covered head to toe in red mud when I fell in the pit trying to push my quad out! But it was a bundle of fun!
Good day all. Man, I've had a busy 24 hours. Yesterday we decided to go to a trade show in Indy at last minute, so I was up there most of the day. (I'm glad we went though.) Then of course, I had to play catch up when we got back, so I worked late. Then I came home, had supper, went to tai chi, and went to bed. So that means, today's Weird Newz will be a rerun, sorry.
This morning, I didn't pick up any coffee on the way in, so now I'm drinking half-caf stuff. This is going to take several cups. I do have a Stok Sweet (a caffeine shot) in my desk drawer, but I haven't been able to find ingredients anywhere on it, so I'm reluctant to use it.
It's where the suppliers show off stuff to the distributors. This one was an ad specialties show for Christmas. So they were showing their products that might be good gift ideas. For example, we have lots of companies who come to us because they want to give each of their employees something with the company name on it, like mugs, portfolios, etc.
Today is the boy's birthday. A big seven years old now. He already got his first present as school has a late 10:0am start today for some reason. He woke up and is on the couch watching cartoons ... not a bad way to start your birthday as a kid.
I'm wondering . . . why is the first "d" in "Wednesday" ?? Why isn't it just spelled "Wensday"? Or, why don't we say Wed-nes-day? Why the silent "d"? If we're going to have one silent character in there, why don't we just throw another 5 extra ones in too?
Good morning! Hope you are doing well - the week is half over! Tomorrow morning I am off for a women's motorcycling conference - they are such cool events! I am really excited to go but stressed out with all I need to finish before I leave. What's new with all of you?
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Hello all. Except for tonight, I will be busy with all the funeral stuff. We have the regular viewing tomorrow. Friday the directors are in charge for an hour so the family can take a break and allow our consumers to say their goodbyes. Saturday is the actual funeral.
Tonight is the Detroit Red Wings season opener so I am gonna enjoy that. (unless they suck) Have a few hours of hockey to take our minds off of things for a bit.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"