I've heard a lot of speculation regarding what happened two weeks ago when we went off the air.
All I can say is that it was as much of a surprise to me as it was to any of you. It was NOT a planned ending of Freeze-Frame Radio.
I was quite angry with the way Live365 handled the entire situation. A billing issue arose and instead of discussing it with me they immediately shut down the station and then notified me of the situation.
Unfortunately I was put in the position of needing to make a fast decision on the future of Freeze-Frame Radio.
As most of you know I had been trying for the last year to get an internet music service off the ground but it just hadn't happened. In part because the idea needed money for advertising to back it, in part because the business environment was already changing too fast (MySpace started offering digital downloads directly from their site) and in part because I spent too much time on my hobby (the station) and not enough time on the building of the business.
The second largest room in my house was being used for a studio that I spent about 30 minutes a week in.
My hobby had become more of a burden than a source of enjoyment. In four years I easily spent over $10,000 on this thing. Instead of having fun DJing all my time was spent putting out fires, worrying about the mix, adding music, updating files, trying to keep the website updated, etc.
So, when that moment came two weeks ago I just realized I couldn't afford to get in any deeper. Not financially OR time-wise.
I decided not to try and get back on the air unless I could do so in a way that would be less intrusive on my life. That's where it was left.