Awhile back you may recall how he had to go to a Leadership class for work. He was told at that time that is was Harry(Executive Director that just passed) and Robin's(current executive director/daughter) wishes that he get prepared to become the next Director for when Harry passes. Robin would step up to Executive and my husband would take her spot as Director. Well since Harry passed there has been no talk of her replacement. She has been giving my husband a hard time about his use of comp time, etc. He just pulled me asside and told me that all the directors got a note asking them to fill out who they think should be the new Director! I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw his face! Needless to say but we will be leaving at 4:15 sharp today.
What bs! Waste of time and money! And if it was Harry's wishes why would you not honor it? the only person who has been here a tad longer than my husband can't handle the job he has! No offense to the rest of you blondes but he is a TRUE BLONDE!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"