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Dumb Laws in Wisconsin
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TOPIC: Dumb Laws in Wisconsin
Reassuringly Expensive
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Posts: 1437
Tue Apr 15 14:29 2008
Dumb Laws in Wisconsin
Just to start- you guys have SERIOUS issues with butter!
Dumb Laws in Wisconsin
Butter substitutes are not allowed to be served in state prisons.
Whenever two trains meet at an intersection of said tracks, neither shall proceed until the other has.
As people used to smuggle it in from Illinois, all yellow butter substitute is banned.
Condoms were considered an obsene article and had to hidden behind the pharmacists counter.
At one time, margarine was illegal.
State Law made it illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese.
The state definition of rape stated that it was a man having sex with a woman he knows not to be his wife.
While all cheese making requires a license, Limburger cheese making requires a master cheese makers license.
It is illegal to kiss on a train.
It is illegal to cut a womans hair.
Margarine may not be substituted for butter in restaurants unless it is requested by the customer.
The government may not prohibit manual flushed urinals.
One may not camp in a wagon on any public highway or risk a fine of up to ten dollars.
It is a class A misdemeanor to wave a burning torch around in the air.
It is illegal to throw rocks at a railroad car.
Livestock have the right-of-way on public roads.
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something."
- mitch hedberg
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