The Journal-Sentinal had a story today on how school lunch prices are going to skyrocket during the next school year because of increased cost.
One of the main reasons for the increase? The cost of corn.
I can't believe how badly bungled the whole gas situation has gotten. Everytime prices go up people point to the cost of corn now.
Thanks to the genius who though Ethanol would save us from rising gas prices farmers are getting top dollar for their corn. So much so that they've cut back on other crops like wheat to grow more corn.
Last week I was reading how Pizza makers are seeing their prices skyrocket because wheat is getting so expensive. (because there's less of it being produced since farmers want more land for corn)
Not to mention EVERYTHING is going up in price because everthing gets everywhere using deisel which is now over $4 a gallon.
I swear to God I think we're heading for an absolute disaster!