Yay, it's Friday!! I'm waiting for the rest of my family to wake up so we can get on the road. If they're not up by 9:00, I'm waking them up!! I wanna get going this morning, ha.
Drive carefully Mz and enjoy the recital! Does she know you're coming or is this a surprise visit?
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO lookin' forward to the weekend. My hubby is playing golf, and I am going to clean, clean, clean! I love a clean house. Right now, it looks like a cyclone has hit. And lounge around quite a bit. And may spend some time out by my mom and dad's pool. Really excited!
I'm up and ready to start programming the GPS for a trip to Salisbury, NC. It's only about 17 miles away, but since I really don't know the area yet I figure it's better safe than sorry.
I'm gonna hit up an Office Depot and try to buy a cheap desk for the apartment. Plus I figured I'll spend part of the day checking out the town.
I was excited to see DMoney has checked in. So many of the old members have come back lately! It's been great!
Well, I best get started. I've already learned that if I want to do somehing around here it's best to do it before 11 when it's nice n' cool. By 11ish temps are hitting 80's and I don't enjoy temps too much higher than 78 or so.
i should be happy that it's friday, but i have one of those sinus headaches that makes you think you're gonna hurl at any moment... this will indeed be a very long friday... i'm so sleepy. i think because i took some theraflu last night, but instead of helping me sleep, i kept dreaming that i was scared of people prowling outside my home...
tulsa metro weather will hover around 90 today; maybe a thunderstorm.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Indeed its the friday before the holiday. Many people will be off of work, usually the ones that you wish weren't off from work. Because the panic squad will undoubtedly be in full force today. You know, those people who come up at 4:45, the day before a long weekend and go "AAAH AAAH HELP ME I PROMISED A CLIENT THIS WOULD BE DONE FOR MONDAY DELIVERY AAH AHH!!!"
But we're closed Monday because its a holiday.
I guess it didn't help that it sat on your desk all day while you played computer solitaire between your cigarette breaks hey?
Oh, I got my 40 hrs in. BuBye....
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
"panic squad" -- great description! mind if i use it? we have our little group who believe there is no day other than friday they're everywhere! thery're everywhere!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Indeed its the friday before the holiday. Many people will be off of work, usually the ones that you wish weren't off from work. Because the panic squad will undoubtedly be in full force today. You know, those people who come up at 4:45, the day before a long weekend and go "AAAH AAAH HELP ME I PROMISED A CLIENT THIS WOULD BE DONE FOR MONDAY DELIVERY AAH AHH!!!"
But we're closed Monday because its a holiday.
I guess it didn't help that it sat on your desk all day while you played computer solitaire between your cigarette breaks hey?
Oh, I got my 40 hrs in. BuBye....
Your mental image of a day with the panic squad would make a great comic strip JD.
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Rain, rain, rain here too. Its not going to make for a nice Memorial weekend, but its been so dry the last few years, I'm not complaining about the rain. I got my fertilizer down on the lawn and its looking good . . . except now its going to grow even more and require even more mowing. Ugh.
So far, the roof coating I put on the area over our kitchen seems to be holding out the water. No leaks yet even with all this rain. Now I gotta work on the ceiling and fix the stains and mud the joint compound back in that fell out after it got wet.
The office is as quiet as a library during midterms today. I love it! It always amuses me how many people come down with sudden illness on Fridays, especially before a holiday weekend. 1/3 of our staff is on vacation, and 1/3 have announced devastating illness preventing them from their genuine and sincere desire to be at work today...
This weekend I'm planning to go to the farmer's market or a greenhouse and get some herbs and flowers to plan in my yard. Cedarburg is having Maxwell Street Days, and I may go to that and do some wine sampling. Sometimes I love it when my plans are low-key! Have a great holiday weekend to all!
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Indeed its the friday before the holiday. Many people will be off of work, usually the ones that you wish weren't off from work. Because the panic squad will undoubtedly be in full force today. You know, those people who come up at 4:45, the day before a long weekend and go "AAAH AAAH HELP ME I PROMISED A CLIENT THIS WOULD BE DONE FOR MONDAY DELIVERY AAH AHH!!!"
But we're closed Monday because its a holiday.
I guess it didn't help that it sat on your desk all day while you played computer solitaire between your cigarette breaks hey?
Oh, I got my 40 hrs in. BuBye....
Your mental image of a day with the panic squad would make a great comic strip JD.
oh I often feel that upon entering I suspend the real world and enter a cartoon.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Are you gonna have a Salisbury steak for lunch too?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately associates the name with the food.
Everytime I pass Salisbury the city or drive on Salisbury road I immediately get an image of those little Salisbury Steaks in my head. I hated those things when I was a kid.
the bright side of mowing, web, is that in just a few short years, the boy will be old enough to take over!
I mowed a couple days ago and he was REALLY wanting to try it. Our mower is self propelled so I let him try it. I explained all the things to be careful about and walked beside him. He didn't do too bad. He would quit watching every so often and then get off track and leave a stip here and there, but over all he did ok.
The best thing was that he was mowing when mom came home from work so he got to show off for her.
the bright side of mowing, web, is that in just a few short years, the boy will be old enough to take over!
I mowed a couple days ago and he was REALLY wanting to try it. Our mower is self propelled so I let him try it. I explained all the things to be careful about and walked beside him. He didn't do too bad. He would quit watching every so often and then get off track and leave a stip here and there, but over all he did ok.
The best thing was that he was mowing when mom came home from work so he got to show off for her.
well, then, your break could come around before you know it!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Last weekend my Dad bought a riding lawn mower on a spur of the moment stop at the local supply store. You know you live in a small town when you can drive a riding lawn mower two miles down main street home.
Of course this meaning I was riding it and he followed in the car with his flashers on. We passed by a bar downtown where 6 or 7 people were sitting outside. They were hollaring and whooping at me saying Go George Jones Go!!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Let me start by saying TGIFriday to you all, and if we all could get together this weekend that would be fantastic, a great big FFR Cookout would be nice.
Where's Ruby been? Since I've been back I haven't seen her at all.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sparky's new avatar.
I can't tune in, my boss said when he put me back up on the internet, NO STREAMING!!
Can someone play a little Lenny Kravitz for me today??
Thanks everyone ~~~~ D
PS, get used to warm weather JR, you'll be getting your share. It's better than cold all day long! And if you really want to get away from it, pay me a visit..... it's always chilly here!
i talked to ruby on the phone wednesday night for a bit... she is really swamped at work just dealing with trying to get through the school year with the boy. she is in a funk and just trying to deal with her day-to-day...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
When I got home for lunch, there was a message on the machine for me to call them, which I did. They immediately put me to a supervisor.
This is the first time they have ever called me regarding this issue. Yesterday when I talked to them, I said "this is the last time I will be calling you about this . . . if its not fixed now, I will file a formal complaint with the Nebraska Service Commission and we'll work through them". I don't know if that made a difference or not in why they initiated a contact to me.
The supervisor I talked to this time said that he was looking over my case and all the payments we have made have been credited to my account.
This is the typical cycle I've been through with them every month for five months now. I call and they say that indeed there is an outstanding payment. Then when its not credited, they claim that it had been credited at an earlier date. When I ask them to show me when it was credited to us, it suddenly can not be found, they send it back to the lost payment department, and the cycle starts over again.
I told him he was wrong because there was a check in August and one in October and one of them has not been applied. He argued with me that they were. He said the August payment was applied in August and the October one was one that they found and applied in January. I remember from looking at the history online and there were no payments applied in August. I didn't have my paperwork with me at home so I told him I'd call him back when I got back to the office.
When I got back here, I called again and got a different supervisor. I explained the whole thing once more and he put me on hold while he tried to locate the missing check. After a few minutes, he came back on and said he was still looking and asked me to hold more. After a few more minutes, he came back on and said that he did find the payment in question. It had been applied to the wrong account. He said he has nowapplied it to our account and asked if he could help with anything else. I told him he could credit us for the two $4.37 late payment charges from Aug and Oct which he says he did as well.
At the end I asked him why I have been getting jerked around on this deal for five months when he was able to go in and in less than 10 minutes find the missing payment and fix it. He said that he used to work in the department that handles such things so he knew his way around the system. Rather than sending it back to them, he looked for it himself.
I told him it sounds like the missing payment department needs to be fired and replaced with people that can actually do the job because this has been sent back to them five times with no results.
He just kind of chuckled and asked if he could do any more. I said that if the payment has indeed been applied (I've been lied to a few times before that it was) I had nothing else. He assured me he took care of it and it should show up in my online report within a couple business days.
I've thought it was handled before and it wasn't. This guy seemed to know what he was doing this time. Hopefully this is finally over.
Well, the longest week of my life has FINALLY come to an end!!!! I am exhausted! I haven't slept in 6 nights due to some kind of allergy/cold thingy. I fall asleep and then wake up coughing
Work today was weird! We have 6 students in our class and two of them were out today. One that was there today, became violent and was sent home. That left us with three kids. It was strangely quiet.
I am going to do a little cleaning and then I am going to attempt a nap. I hope that everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - mitch hedberg