Well, this is weird. The first time I've had this happen. But the database only seems to connect every once in awhile. Usually it's either running or it's not. But I tried to see the request list ten times and got in twice.
Not sure what the next step is. But since I did nothing to create the problem I've learned the best first step is to do nothing to fix the problem (just in case it's not something on my end). Our request system goes through a third part called Spacial Audio, maybe it's their issue.
If it hasn't resolved itself by tonight I'll probably shut the system down overnight and see if a rest fixes it. If that doesn't work then I'll start seeing what I can do on my end to fix it.
Part of me almost wishes this computer would just die. It's old and weak. Low processing power, low memory, etc. But I'm not confident I'd ever get the request system up and running on a new computer again. It's more complicated than my little brain can handle.
Last night, with the help of Web (of course) we narrowed down the problem with the request pages to two possibilities.
1) A temporary routing problem somewhere between my home and the FFR Server.
2) A purposely blocked connection between my home and the FFR server, put in place by Time Warner because of the unusual traffic patterns between the two spots.
HOPEFULLY the answer is not #2, because getting that fixed may be impossible. The only thing anyone at Time Warner "technical support" seems to understand is turning on the internet, or turning off the internet. Their answer to every problem is "Disconnect the modem, then reconnect it".
Anyway, because the problem isn't constant (you can get through now and then to the now playing and request pages) I'm hopeful that the problem is the first one.
Just like the skipping issue in Milwaukee that cleared up after five days, I'm hoping the same will happen here (but faster than five days would be nice).
If the system isn't up by MOnday I'll put the playlist on Random for the entire 11,000 songs, not just the 80's. That way atleast everything we have will be in the mix until I can get the requests working.
You're also of course welcome to keep trying to request. It seems to go through once every two or three tries for me.