I was thinking about this yesterday as I was going home from work. I thought it would be cool to find out from all of you. Here is a little back ground on me, I'm a Rock and Roll kinda of guy, even though I did listen to country. Anyway I remember the the first Artist was Elton John and the song was Philadelphia Freedom.
Still to this day when I hear that song I "crank it up"
I don't recall how old I was, but not very old, cus i had NO money at the time. But the first artist I was CRAZY about was Kenny Rogers.
I remember at the time they were selling a compilation CD of his on TV, the ad started with a train coming around a corner late at night, and the song Gambler started it off. They also played LONG ARM OF THE LAW, RUEBEN JAMES, and a bunch of other good ones.
I wanted that album (yes, the vinyl album back then) soooooooooo bad, but I couldn't come close to affording it and my folks were kind of adverse to ordering off TV anyway.
After like a year of wanting it I finally had enough money to buy an album, so I went to the local Target store and found a greatest hits album called SOUNDS LIKE KENNY ROGERS. The problem was that when I got it home I found out I had been screwed.
It WASN'T KENNY ROGERS, it was a bunch of no-name hacks that were trying to live up to the title SOUNDS LIKE KENNY ROGERS. THEY DIDN'T SUCCEED!
I'll never buy anything from the damn Pickwick Label again!
Hmm, recounting this story, I think I posted it once before on the forum. But the bitterness is as strong today as it was 20 years ago!
My little tyke's favorite is most definitely Elton John especially Crocodile Rock), with Alice Cooper a close second (both compliments The Muppets variety shows I bought from Time Life).