We survived a baseball game last night with the head coach gone. One more tomorrow before he's back. I'm not even officially signed up to be a coach, but since I've been there for everything, I've pretty much been recruited to help out.
I've kind of taken on the job of being A.J.'s shadow. A.J. is a small kid with a few issues. He's not a bad ball player for his size when he decides he wants to play. The struggle is that A.J. is either on or off, there is not much middle ground. Last night he was off and didn't want to be there. He didn't want to play. He was bored. His "leg hurt". He spent one entire inning standing in the outfield with his glove over his face. He spent most of another inning drawing pictures with his feet in the dirt. For some reason he's kind of latched on to me as the only "coach" he'll even kind of listen to when he's in off mode, but I was still not having much luck with him last night. I was trying to convince him that the team needed his help, but he didn't want anything to do with it. Later, when he found out it was the last inning (they only play 3), he started to perk up because it was almost over. I'm not sure if he really wants (or wanted at one time) to play, or if just mom wants him to play.
This morning, on the way to drop the boy at the sitter and come on to the office, we had to wait for a skunk to move on out of the street. He was making a bee-line straight toward down town and he was only two blocks away from there. If he kept going, I doubt he was very welcome where he was headed.